August 2017

Commonly Used Snoring Devices to Cure Snoring

When looking for effective snoring solutions, you might have come across the various snoring devices available in the market. Most of the physicians also recommend using these devices due to their effectiveness and ability to cure the problem of snoring permanently. Anti snoring devices are a viable alternative to cure snoring and is better than relying on another kind of medications to relieve snoring.

There are several types of snoring devices used to cure snoring completely among individuals. These devices attach to the oral cavity or the jaws to position the mouth and throat in such a way to prevent sleeping. Selecting any of these devices requires expert supervision from a doctor specialized in treating snoring. Below are some of the commonly used snoring devices to cure snoring.

Chin Straps

Chin straps are one of the most popular and cost effective solutions to cure snoring. Wearing them over a specific period has proven to reduce snoring by a great extent among individuals. It is much easier to use and is made to fit around the face and head. Chin straps keep the mouth closed and align the jaw in its right position. This will prevent any blockages to the airways and keep the tongue from going backward, which is a common cause of snoring.

Nasal Strips

Nasal strips are another most commonly used snoring devices available out there. They are actually plastic bands containing an adhesive pad that attaches to the nose. They function by lifting the skin on the nose thereby opening up the cartilage walls away from the nasal cavity. This will widen the nasal openings thereby enabling you to breathe much easier and reducing the occurrence of snoring.

Tongue Retaining Device (TRD)

Tongue retaining devices can help to prevent snoring by keeping the tongue in its forward position via a suction bulb. This will prevent the rollout of the tongue when it is relaxed during sleep thereby preventing it from obstructing the airways. This will keep the airways clear and prevent snoring.

Mandibular Advancement Device (MAD)

Mandibular advancement devices are another commonly used anti snoring solution. It functions by keeping the mandible in a forward position during sleep. Due to this, the airways are left open and the tongue is held forward. These devices also tighten the upper airway tissues thereby preventing them from vibrating and causing the snoring issue.

Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP)

CPAP is yet another common snoring device that is also the most effective in curing snoring and obstructive sleep apnea. CPAP offers the airways a positive pressure via a device worn on the face. It is not a convenient device though and is a more expensive option as well.

Underlying Facts about Snoring you Should Know

Snoring is the sound caused by the vibrations of the soft palate (roof of mouth) tissues due to turbulent flow of air while we sleep. Things like sleeping position, the stage of sleep, use of alcohol, and medications can make you snore.

How Common is Snoring

People who do not snore regularly can snore after having a viral illness, after excessive alcohol intake, or when taking some prescribed medications. We usually think that large people with thick necks are common snorers, but in reality, people with any body type and build can be a snorer. Yet again, the problem of snoring will worsen with weight gain and age.

What Causes Snoring

When we sleep, the muscles at the back of the throat relax leading to narrowing of the area in the airway to the lungs. This will make the air breathed to flow rapidly making the tissues in the throat vibrate rapidly. This vibration sound is what we hear as the annoying snoring noise. The reasons for narrowing of the muscles can be different though, and can take place in the mouth, nose, or throat.

Mouth Breathing and Palatal Snoring

We usually breathe through our nose, but obstructions in nasal passages can make us breath through our mouth. The obstruction can be caused due to allergies, cold, infection of the sinus, swollen adenoids, or a deviation in the nasal septum. People with obstructions in nasal passage are forced to breathe through mouth and are usually referred to as ‘mouth breathers.’ Mouth breathers usually suffer from snoring as the flow of air through the mouth can lead to the vibration of the soft palate tissues.

Narrowed Airways and Snoring

The main function of adenoids and tonsils is to fight infections. Both tonsils and adenoids are located at the backside of the mouth. Tonsils are also called palatine tonsils and can swell while fighting viruses and bacteria. Sometimes, the tonsils may not return to their normal size even after the infection is gone. These enlarged tonsils can narrow the airway, making the air to flow with pressure, and leading to snoring.

Snoring Remedies

Different types of snoring remedies are available in the market. However, before trying any of the anti snoring remedies, you will need to find out the exact cause behind your snoring problem. Else, you will end up wasting your money on products that would be ineffective in treating your snoring problem. Your physician will be able to help you find out the exact cause of your snoring problem and help you find the best solution for the issue.

What is Sleep Bruxism and How it Affects Sleep Apnea and Snoring

Bruxism is characterized by the rhythmic clenching of the jaws as well as grinding of the teeth, and much like snoring, Bruxism also happens reflexively during sleep. However, Bruxism may occur consciously as well and that can have adverse effects on the snoring condition of a person.

Symptoms of Bruxism

Bruxism may trigger wearing teeth, and may even lead to fracture as well as loss of teeth if the condition is left untreated. According to the Bruxism Association of America, the typical symptom of Bruxism is a headache, and those who grind teeth are three times more likely to have headaches. Other symptoms of Bruxism are Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) pain, muscle pain, ear pain, stiff shoulder and neck pain, breathing cessations, and sleep deprivations.

Causes of Bruxism

Also known as teeth grinding, Bruxism rarely occurs alone and is often found in those having snoring, breathing cessations in sleep, or obstructive sleep apnea. The Bruxism Association also says that bad lifestyle habits such as excessive smoking, alcoholism, and caffeine intake, as well as depression and anxiety may also induce Bruxism. The condition may affect children, overweight people, or adults just like the standard cases of snoring.

Cures of Bruxism

An anti snoring mouth guard fitted over the top teeth as well as bottom teeth will bring the mandible forward after continuous usage. These mandibular adjustment devices are generally recommended by dentists especially when a sleep disorder has triggered Bruxism. In addition to the usage of anti snoring mouthpieces, hypnosis is also a tried and tested method to treat Bruxism, together with breathing and jaw exercises.

While mandibular adjustment devices lead to a large reduction in sleep Bruxism and snoring issues, use of occlusal splints may mildly cure Bruxism as well. However, if lifestyle habits have triggered your tooth grinding, an evasive action can be adopted like curbing the habit that triggered the condition.

Snoring and teeth grinding will lead to sleep deprivation, so curing them is essential for a good night’s sleep. An anti snoring mouth guard not only helps to stop snoring and offer a peaceful sleep, but also treats sleep apnea and Bruxism. Sometimes, a combination of stop snoring mouthpiece and occlusal splints may also come in handy to reduce the level of Bruxism.

Easy Remedies to Stop Snoring

Studies show that around 45 percent of the adults in the US snore at least occasionally and can become the brunt of joke at times. However, a snoring spouse can keep the other person from getting a good night’s sleep, which can leads to issues in the relation. “Snoring can create real problems in a marriage,”” says Daniel P. Slaughter, MD, who is a snoring expert and an otolaryngologist at Capital Otolaryngology in Austin, Texas.

Snoring is not a mere nuisance; in fact, experts say that 75 percent of snorers suffer from obstructive sleep apnea (disruption of breathing during sleep for short intervals, due to snoring), that may lead to heart diseases. Before using the various over-the-counter snoring remedies available in the market, you need to consult with a specialist to diagnose the root of the issue and find the best cure. Alternatively, you can also try out the following easy and natural snoring solutions, which might help to curb mild snoring issues.

Change Sleeping Position

Studies show that the sleep position of a person can affect snoring. When you sleep on your back, your tongue and soft palate might collapse to the wall of your throat and can vibrate with the flow of air. This vibration sound is what we hear as the snoring noise. Sleeping on your side can help you stop this.

According to Dr. Slaughter, “A body pillow (a full-length pillow that supports your entire body) provides an easy fix. It enables you to maintain sleeping on your side and can make a dramatic difference.”

Avoid Alcohol

Experts say that sedatives and alcohol can decrease the resting tone of muscles in the back of the throat, which can make your snoring worse. So it is good to avoid alcohol consumption at least four to five hours before sleeping, if you cannot refrain from it fully. Studies show that people who do not normally snore also start to snore when they take alcohol or other sedative drugs just before bedtime.

Lose Weight

If obesity is the cause of your snoring, then losing a few pounds might help you curb the problem of snoring. If you gained weight recently and started to snore after that, losing weight might help you. “If you gain weight around your neck, it squeezes the internal diameter of the throat, making it more likely to collapse during sleep, triggering snoring,” Dr. Slaughter says.

Open Nasal Passages

Keeping the nasal passage open during sleep can help if a clogged nasal canal is the cause of your snoring. “Imagine a narrow garden hose with water running through. The narrower the hose, the faster the water rushes through,” says Dr. Slaughter. When your nasal passages are clogged, it will restrict the normal flow of air making the air to flow faster, which can lead to snoring.

3 Benefits of Using Anti Snoring Devices

Snoring occurs commonly among most people and affects their lives as well as others around them. If left untreated, it can cause numerous diseases that can at times seriously affect the physical as well as mental health of an individual.

Many people do not regard snoring as a serious issue and this is a reason why it is causing numerous health conditions and sleeping disorders amongst adults in the US. However, those who tend to understand about snoring will also rely on alternative treatment methods to cure snoring such as aromatherapy, acupuncture, etc. Yet again, these are only temporary measures and might not be enough to cure the snoring condition completely.

A permanent cure for snoring is only possible by using anti snoring mouthpieces. These devices fit in around the jaws or the oral cavities and can be worn during sleep. They align the oral and throat cavities in such a way so as to allow free air passage during sleep and thereby prevent snoring. Moreover, continuously wearing them over a certain period can completely eliminate the problem of snoring. Below are some benefits of using anti snoring devices.

Health Benefits

Snoring is known to cause many serious health conditions such as shortness of breath to heart diseases. The blockages of the throat cavity during snoring can result in lower oxygen levels that reach the lungs thereby leading to several complications. Using anti snoring devices can prevent snoring from getting worsened, and that will lessen its impact of their health. As anti snoring devices address the underlying issues of snoring, it will avoid any of the related health issues from occurring as well such as heart diseases, stroke, liver scarring, etc.

They are Inexpensive

One of the major benefits of using anti snoring devices is that they are reasonably priced. They offer excellent value for money and can fully stop snoring in any individual when worn for a certain period. Devices such as chinstraps are much affordable and they last longer as well, thereby providing effective cure against snoring. Mandibular adjustment devices are the most low-priced and can be used for about 6 to 10 months. Others such as tongue retaining devices are also cheaper and can be used for years.

Effective and Convenient

Using anti snoring devices such has numerous advantages. It is much easier to wear them and they can be customized too to fit in well with any facial shapes. Moreover, relying on anti snoring devices also improves the airflow and provides extra support to the throat muscles. Devices such as snoring mouth guard are highly effective to cure snoring as they align the mouth in such a way that it offers a comfortable sleep without snoring.

What Causes Snoring and How to Deal with it

Snoring may be induced due to several reasons and pinpointing exactly as to why one snores is quite essential to find the best anti snoring remedies and to stop snoring. Snoring may be occasional and habitual or may signal sleep disorders, but no matter the nature, snoring remedies are a must just like diagnosis.

Snoring may occur due to nasal airway blockage during sleep and that may occur due to allergies in the nose or sinus infections. A deviated nasal septum may also cause breathing cessations that lead to snoring and recurring snoring episodes.

Snoring due to throat muscle tone relaxation often tends to occur when the snorer is in a deep sleep state. When the muscle tone relaxes too much due to excessive alcohol intake or aging, it may also block the airway in the throat, whereas being overweight may also force the throat tissues to relax and that may also block the airway leading one to snore.

If the soft palate or uvula becomes too soft, then that may narrow the airway from the nose to the throat. If so, when the snorer inhales, the soft palate or uvula vibrates thereby resulting in producing the harsh snoring sound. Tonsils, as well as adenoids, will also result in hampering normal breathing during sleep and they are also the causes of snoring in many cases.

Occasional snoring due to sinus infection or nasal allergy typically cures when the snorer opts for reliable anti snoring remedies or when the surrounding air becomes more pristine for breathing. However, regular snoring can be a sign of worse sleep disorders such as sleep apnea.

Sleep apnea is not only characterized by snoring symptom but also breathing cessations at night that will last 10 seconds or a few minutes. Snoring may wake one up from sleep even in a light sleep state and that may lead to overnight weariness and daytime fatigue.

It is found that sometimes, the sleeping patterns also affect snoring and changing the sleeping positions can help to ease snoring to some extent. However, expert sleep specialists say that finding out precisely at which stage of sleep one snores is essential to stop snoring.

If you suspect your bedfellow’s snoring is getting worse day by day, then you should wait no longer to consult with a doctor. After proper checkup and diagnosis, a sleep specialist would be able to recommend the right anti snoring remedies for you.

Snoring and its Association with Sleeping Stages and Sleep Apnea

Snoring tends to vary based on the sleep patterns and knowing precisely when you snore is the first step in adopting an evasive action. In general, if a person sleeps 8 hours per day, then they will get 4 hours of light sleep, 2 hours of deep sleep, and 2 hours of Rapid Eye Movement sleep on an average basis.

The first four stages of sleep are known as Non-Rapid Eye Movement (NREM) stage, and the sleeper seldom dreams then. During the NREM stage, the breathing, as well as heart rate drops, the blood pressure also drops, and the sleeper remains idle in bed. In the fifth stage of sleep, also known as the Rapid Eye Movement (REM) stage, the sleeper starts to dream due to increased brain activities.

Standard snoring often occurs during the third and fourth stage of sleep. In the REM stage, snoring associated with sleep apnea tends to be louder than usual. Standard snoring seldom occurs in the REM stage, say sleep specialists, while reinstating that there are relatively fewer chances of snoring in the first and the second stage of sleep.

Loud snoring can be one sign of sleep apnea, however, it is even seen that many obstructive sleep apnea patients do not snore at all. Snoring has recurrent breathing cessations due to vibration in the mouth palate, and the vibration often stems from obstructed airflow during the cyclical sleep.

According to the American Sleep Apnea Association, approximately 90 million US citizens snore during sleep. While half of them are standard snorers, other half may have Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). Undergoing continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy is ideal for snorers suffering from sleep apnea. However, taking evasive actions like changing the sleep position or wearing anti snoring mouthpiece have also cured the standard cases of snoring among adults and overweight people.

You need to consult with a sleep specialist to find out the sleep stage where you snore. Taking prevention and care with the help of an otolaryngologist would prove to be a pragmatic snoring remedy for standard snoring. If you have a loved one to have diagnosed snoring in the REM sleep, then that may indicate he or she is perhaps suffering from sleep apnea as well. In such case, you need to get the perfect remedy to stop snoring and breathe a sigh of relief.

How to Stop Snoring if you are Obese

In simple words, snoring can be defined as a sleeping disorder, which manifests in a person in the form of harsh and loud sounds when he/she is asleep. This usually happens due to the partial blockage of the airways, which in turn, forces some of the air moving into our lungs to the mouth. The air that is pushed back into the mouth causes negative pressure, which vibrates the soft tissues in the throat and back of the mouth to produce the loud, harsh snoring sound.

Snoring should be taken seriously because it interferes with the process of breathing and deprives you of a good night’s sleep. If you are troubled with snoring issues, it is wiser to invest in an anti snoring mouthpiece because it will help you to reduce or stop snoring. Most of the anti snoring mouthpieces available in the market are inexpensive and manufacturers usually provide a full money-back guarantee to customers, which mean that you will not have to worry about wasting money.

You should also note the fact the risk of snoring is much higher in overweight or obese individuals. However, snoring problems can be easily solved with the help of an anti snoring mouthpiece and by making a few lifestyle changes. Below are a few simple tips that will help obese or overweight individuals to stop snoring.

Change your Sleeping Positions

Sleeping on your side is a proven technique that will help you to stop snoring. This is because this sleeping pattern will prevent the chances of your soft palate and tongue drifting into the back of your throat. This will make sure that the airway remains clear from obstacles and allow you to breathe easily.

Lose Weight

Studies conducted by several experts in the field of medical science have revealed that body weight and snoring are closely related. This means that losing some weight will help you to reduce snoring to a certain extent. In addition to that, you should also try to get enough sleep because fatigue can lead to snoring too.

Avoid Alcohol

Try to refrain yourself from excessive alcohol consumption or at least make sure to avoid alcohol before you go to bed. This is because alcohol relaxes your muscles, which may urge the back of your throat to collapse and cause snoring. Additionally, you should try to stop or reduce smoking too for better results.

Using Humidifiers to Relieve Snoring

Snoring is something that is common among most individuals. The throat, tongue, and soft palate tissues sag and vibrate with breathing during sleep thereby causing the snoring sound. In fact, there are numerous factors that instigate snoring, the quality of the air being one of the most prominent ones.

Dry air can cause the nasal and oral cavities to become dried up thereby worsening the snoring condition. Using a humidifier is one way to relieve snoring among individuals. A humidifier can increase the humidity of the room that makes it much comfortable to breathe when you are asleep, which help in alleviating the underlying causes of snoring.

Choosing a cool mist or warm mist humidifier is entirely dependent on your budget and the size of the room. Humidifiers are available in two types: portable and whole house humidifiers. Portable humidifiers are sufficient for reducing snoring as it can effectively humidify the air in a room. Whole house humidifiers, on the other hand, can humidify the entire house.

Humidifiers also differ in their functionality, such as cool mist and warm mist humidifiers. Cool mist humidifiers function by ejecting a steady stream of cool vapor from the water diffused using a wick. Warm mist humidifiers, on the other hand, contain a heating element that will produce a warm mist that will help in humidifying the room.

Cool mist humidifiers are more portable and easy to use. The cool vapor produced by them can alleviate snoring in most individuals. Conversely, warm mist humidifiers are more expensive and can consume more electricity due to the presence of a heating element. Nonetheless, the warm mist produced is much effective for reducing irritated airways thereby helping in relieving snoring much effectively.

Using Humidifiers

For relieving snoring, it is best to switch on the humidifier an hour prior to your scheduled bedtime. This will allow sufficient moisture to seep into the air thereby offering you a comfortable sleep. Place the humidifier at least five feet away from your bed and switch it on for the entire night or set timer if it has such features to turn off at a particular time.

The device will add more moisture to the air that will prevent the airways to become dried up. Moreover, using a humidifier will also remove any allergens inside your room that could lead to snoring.

Note that humidifiers are only a provisional solution to snoring. They only remove the dryness of the air, which will reduce snoring but not cure it completely. A permanent cure for snoring is only possible by using proper snoring devices available such as an anti snoring mouth guard. Combining the usage of a humidifier and stop snoring devices is the best way to fully cure snoring.

3 Natural Cures to Alleviate Routine Cases of Snoring

Several factors may lead to snoring, from the relaxation of tissues in the tongue, throat, and mouth, to a misaligned jaw. When the soft tissues in the mouth recede during sleep, they block the airway partially and that causes a vibration in the palate when the inhale hurries past. Below are some natural snoring aids that may help to stop snoring and bring about a peaceful sleep for the snorers and their bedfellow.

Herbal Remedies

Snoring is often seen lightly at times, but if left untreated, it can grow worse gradually. Herbal pills have natural enzymes that target nasal congestion and may alleviate the cause of snoring. Although herbal medications are not backed by all medics, they are worth trying especially when concurrent snoring occurs in the normal course of events.

Pranayama Breathing

Pranayama is a type of yoga exercise that includes several breathing techniques, which may be an ideal cure of routine snoring. Pranayama would help sleep apnea patients to reduce weight gradually and may even help to keep the airway open during sleep, thereby reducing snoring. Breathing techniques, with the help of professionals, would cure snoring in due course, but practice makes such snoring aids perfect.

Tongue and Throat Exercises

Stick out the lower jaw over the upper jaw with teeth shown and count to ten. Put the tongue out perfectly and as straight as possible and then move the tongue left and right and touch the corner of the lips while exercising.

With aging, our mouth palates tend to lose strength as well as elasticity, which mean that the breathing cessation will worsen more with age. Repeating tongue and throat exercise several times a day would alleviate swallowing difficulties as well as reduce snoring issues.

Mandibular Advancement Devices would stabilize the snorer’s lower jaw in the case of a receding jaw to counter the snoring problem. Sleep experts even say that using a Mandibular Advancement Device or an anti snoring mouthpiece is the best way to treat the condition. However, do consult a medic to pinpoint what exactly is the underlying cause of your snoring and then try the recommended snoring aids to cure your snoring issue.