Several factors contribute to snoring in an individual and nasal congestion is one among them. It occurs mostly during a common cold and can obstruct the airways in the nose making it difficult to breathe. Since snoring is caused mainly by the obstructions to the airways, nasal congestion can also result in inflammations in the throat, thereby contributing to snoring.
Most doctors recommend a decongestant to relieve blocked noses and the snoring issues associated with it. They act quickly to clear any blockages in the nasal and throat cavity and hence are ideal for a fast relief from snoring. However, a permanent remedy for snoring is only possible by using proper anti snoring devices.
How Decongestants Work?
Nasal decongestants are mainly used to relieve the congestion in the nasal canal caused due to a common cold, respiratory infections, or allergies. Congestion occurs when the blood vessels lining the nasal passages become inflamed and obstructs the free flow of air. Decongestants work by relieving the blood vessels and narrowing them, that will minimize the blood supply in the mucous membranes.
Snoring caused by nasal congestion will also reduce quickly when a decongestant is used. Commonly, two types of decongestants are used to treat the condition, and this varies in the method of administering. Oral decongestants can soothe the blood vessels in the nose as well as other parts of the throat, whereas nasal decongestants are used to quickly reduce swelling in the nasal cavity.
Decongestants and Snoring
Nasal and oral decongestants are sometimes recommended by a doctor to relieve snoring. It is prescribed especially if the snoring is caused due to congestion in the nasal or throat cavities. During a common cold or other respiratory infection, the blood vessels lining the nose and throat will swell up and obstruct the airflow. Because of this obstruction, there is greater chance that the breathing will cause the tissues to vibrate thereby resulting in snoring.
By using a decongestant, these inflamed blood vessels are soothed and narrowed quickly that will facilitate free airway and enable the individual to breathe freely. Oral decongestants are most commonly used to cure snoring as they can spread to the nose and throat effectively when compared to nasal decongestants. Upon administering, an oral decongestant will act within thirty minutes and can ease the congestion for about six hours.
Is it an Effective Method to Treat Snoring?
Due to its quick action, most people tend to use decongestants to relieve snoring associated with nasal congestion. However, it is a temporary measure in treating snoring as its effects last for only a few hours, after which the snoring and congestion can return in an individual.
Besides, decongestants also cause a range of side effects over persistent usage such as high blood pressure, headaches, insomnia, etc. As said, a permanent solution to cure snoring is possible only by using the right anti snoring devices such as a mouth guard. These devices treat the root cause of snoring and can permanently cure snoring when used for an extended period.
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