Gadgets and Devices for Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Snoring Aids

Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is the trouble in breathing that is caused due to the obstruction of the airways. Obviously, the main aim of OSA treatment is to open these airways and allow smooth breathing, especially while sleeping. There are many devices and gadgets to achieve this. Some of them are listed below.

Position Pillows

Position pillows are one of the easiest and comfortable ways to get instant relief from snoring and obstructive sleep apnea. These pillows are designed in such a way that it can be used either with a CPAP machine or without CPAP machine. Position pillows come in a variety of shapes including a wedge shape, which will help to raise the upper body of the snorer.

The American Sleep Apnea Association recommends the snorers to use foam wedges instead of soft pillows. This will enable the affected person to sleep on the back keeping the body elevated from the upper portion of the waist. This will prevent the airways from collapsing.

Position pillows that can be used along with CPAP machine, will keep the neck and head of the snorer in such a way that the airways will remain open always. On the other hand, position pillows with CPAP machine are meant to be more comfortable, when you wear the mask.

Tennis Ball

Most people sleep on their back causing their tongue and other soft palates to fall and rest against the back of their throat, obstructing the airway. This will result in snoring and Obstructive Sleep Apnea. You can tackle this problem by sleeping on your sides.

Some doctors suggest sewing a sock filled with tennis balls to the backside of your trousers when you sleep. According to a recent survey, out 38 out of 50 people has shown improvement in the quality of their sleep after using this tennis ball technique.

Nerve Stimulation Devices

A hypoglossal nerve stimulator can help when the tongue or other soft palates rest against the back of your throat. This is a small device inserted into the affected person’s chest through a minor surgery. This device can be operated very easily; when you are going to sleep turn on this nerve stimulator using a small remote and switch it off once you wake up.

The main task of this nerve stimulator is to monitor your breathing patterns and to send the signals to the nerves, according to that pattern. The nervous system will control the tongue and other muscles accordingly, once it gets these signals. This way, nervous system stimulators will keep the airways open and allows you to breathe effortlessly.

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