Snoring is a major health issue in the country nowadays, and one that can cause other health problems as well. It is also known to make spouses angry the world over, when they have to share a bed with a snorer, almost always causing the latter to have to wear a snore guard.
The treatments for snoring vary widely, and include oral devices as well as invasive surgeries. You also have many alternative therapies, which have been shown to either reduce the severity of snoring or cure it altogether. One of these is acupuncture.
How Acupuncture Can Help to Stop Snoring
Chinese medicine, which is the source of acupuncture, holds that snoring happens because the Qi of the affected person is weak. Qi is the life force, which combines the harmonic flow of yang and yin energies. So if Qi gets blocked somehow, it needs redirecting.
If you are dealing with a mild or moderate snoring problem resulting from soft tissue falling limp or excessive mucus, there are acupressure points, which can be stimulated to fix the energy imbalance. This will bring back harmony to the body, and resultantly strengthen the Qi.
Acupressure tends to focus on two points: the throat and the sinuses. Some people have chronic allergies, which lead to nasal passage inflammation, which in turn causes snoring. The nasal tissue that is inflamed will cause obstruction in the nasal passages, rendering them unable to function the right way. Sometimes, the channels that remove the mucus from the sinuses can get narrowed as a result of sinusitis, which also blocks airflow.
Acupuncture seeks to remove the edema in the tissue as well as drain the blocked mucus. When done right, it also aids blood circulation, which means nutrients and oxygen are transported to the tissues for fast repair. In acupuncture, there are points associated with relieving sinus pressure. The first of these is along the eyebrow, where the eye meets the bridge of the nose. Another is on either side of the nostril openings, while yet another can be found adjacent to these points, at the base of the cheekbones.
If you are dealing with pressure in the sinuses, but do not have the time or inclination to go see an acupuncturist, it is easy to locate these points and massage them yourself. This will provide temporary relief from the problem. There are acupuncture points that specifically target the immune system, which are believed by some to reduce snoring problems. For instance, Chinese medicine holds that the spleen/pancreas meridian is associated with the immune system.
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