Can an Anti Snoring Mouthpiece and Dental Implants be Used Together?

Snoring Mouth Guard

Snoring And Dental Implants

It is a receding jaw while sleeping that contributes to a constricted airway and snoring sound, which occurs when breathing air rushes past the upper throat and the tissues vibrate against the upper surface of the mouth. Most mandibular advancement devices work on the same principle of advancing the lower jaw forward to clear partial airway blockages in the throat. A snoring mouth guard worn on the lower front teeth advances the mandible by applying an inward pressure on upper teeth.

If your snoring device doesnt help, you should go to a local health clinic for better results.

Not all mandibular advancement devices are created equal, but better-built snoring mouthpieces use boil and bite technology, which provides a much comfortable fit. Such kinds of mouthpieces require the snorer to have strong lower and upper front teeth though. Manufacturers of such anti snoring devices often endorse using it for advancing the lower jaw. However, if you have missing or loose lower front teeth or use dentures holding the teeth intact to improve stability, it is best to consult the dentist to know if a mouthpiece can be worn alongside that to alleviate snoring.

Occasional snorers often ask whether mandibular advancement devices can be worn together with non-removable partial denture or full dentures with dental implants. Note that it might be uncomfortable wearing full dentures in particular and the mouth guard to stop snoring. In a general sense, if the partial implants are put on the front portion of the upper or lower teeth, it will be tough to use a snoring mouthpiece alongside that. So it is worth paying a visit to the dentist in order to know if a mouthpiece may prove to be the best fit when it comes to reducing snoring.

Maybe you have a dental crown or a dental bridge placed over an implant for providing an artificial shape that resembles a row of teeth. If you wear that, it is worth wondering if wearing an anti snoring mouth guard may involve severe pain. When it comes to non-removable partial dentures, the answer may depend on the teeth crown or bridge and the health of the natural teeth remaining in the mouth.

Generally, those having dental crowns or bridges at the gum’s rear would find using a stop snoring mouthpiece much comfortable when compare to those who have had dental treatments done on the front teeth.

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