Using a snoring mouth guard for a specific period will certainly relieve snoring among affected individuals. These devices easily fit in the mouth of any individual and are highly effective in fully curing snoring when compared to surgery or other treatment methods.
Anti snoring mouth guards function by properly aligning the jaws to prevent any obstructions in the airways thereby facilitating easy breathing. However, many people often reject the use of a snoring mouth guard due to several misconceptions related to their usage and oral health. These are false as there is nothing more effective than using an anti snoring mouth guard and they are completely free of any side effects.
Below are some of the common misconceptions that most individuals have about snoring mouth guards.
Discoloration of Teeth
A common misconception among many individuals is that using an anti snoring mouth guard will cause discoloration to their teeth. This is false as anti snoring devices do not interfere with the teeth to cause any sort of discoloration.
Discoloration of the teeth is mostly caused due to several lifestyle activities like smoking, drinking coffee and wine. However, maintaining proper oral hygiene is vital when using a snoring mouth guard. This includes brushing and flossing the teeth before sleep, as it will eliminate the bacterial buildup in the mouth.
Tooth Misalignment
Most individuals refrain from using snoring devices like a mouth guard fearing that it may cause the tooth to misalign. While using a snoring mouth guard, the bite is altered in the morning but it does in no way cause any movement of the teeth.
People who have any sort of dental problem might have tooth misalignment when using a mouth guard. However, for those with healthy teeth and gums, the use of a snoring mouth guard will in no way cause any movement to the tooth.
Stiffness in the Muscles
Using a snoring mouth guard for the first time can cause pain in the jaws for a few days. However, this is only temporary as the pain is caused when the jaw is held in a position it is not used to. The pain will secede in a few days after using the mouth guard and it will become much easier and comfortable to use it again.
A mouth guard, when used during the night, can also cause the jaws to align in its proper position that might not be normal to some people. However, it is applicable to affect only a few individuals who use mouth guards.
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