The basic function of both a sleep apnea mouth guard and mouthpiece for snoring is to advance the mandible forward during sleep and make the airway bigger for a free flow of air. Virtually, most of such Mandibular Advancement Devices will be custom fitted to the jaws of an individual.
While the mouthpiece for sleep apnea often gets fitted by a dentist, the clinically certified mouth guards for snoring can be worn by self before bedtime. Since snoring can be a symptom of sleep apnea, the right device shall be worn correctly to treat the issue. However, only a professional can tell if snoring is actually a sign of sleep apnea in your condition, so you should proactively buy the right remedy.
Both the mouth guards for snoring and sleep apnea are usually made of thermoplastic materials often referred to as the “boil and bite” dentures. The function of advancing the lower jaw forward will be achieved with gradual usage so that snoring can be cured.
A Mandibular Advancement Device used to countermeasure snoring and sleep apnea is fitted using a number of techniques. One of the popular techniques is to heat the device in hot water for a specified duration, cool off in cold water, and then gently bite into the device to get the fit.
In most cases, the mandible is advanced to the extent where the lower front teeth surpass the upper teeth by a wee bit. As a result, the muscles around the throat area will tighten up clearing the blockages in the airway and avoid snoring at night.
Differences between a Sleep Apnea Mouth Guard and a Snoring Mouthpiece
While both the Mandibular Advancement Devices have similar attributes regarding usage and function, there are subtle differences to note. First of all, the key difference is that the mouthpieces advertised specifically for sleep apnea will countermeasure the mild state of the sleep disorder and loud snoring. Even teeth grinding symptom of apnea can be cured using the oral remedy.
Secondly, the sleep apnea mouth guard is a medical device that needs a proper diagnosis and dentist confirmation. On the other hand, a stop snoring mouthpiece can be bought over-the-counter without a prescription to treat occasional snoring or even snoring due to other causes.
Another difference with condition-specific mouthpieces is that the Mandibular Advancement Device for snoring will last for anywhere between 6 to 24 months based on use, the brand, and the construction. However, the sleep apnea mouth guard made from acrylic resins will last for several years.
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