Many of the physiological changes in the body can result in the development of certain sleep disorders such as snoring and sleep apnea. These can negatively affect the sleep cycles that causes numerous problems associated with the physical and mental side of your body. A healthy sleep is of high importance in order to replenish the energy levels and for maintaining normal mental functioning. Serious sleep disorders such as sleep apnea can severely affect sleep thereby causing many problems to the vital organs in the body.
The cardiovascular system is the most affected region in the body due to sleep apnea, as the sleep disorder can obstruct the breathing process in the form of long pauses. This causes insufficient oxygen reaching the vital cardiovascular systems, which can result in severe damage to the heart and blood vessels. The enormous amount of strain put on the body during sleep apnea can disrupt the state of rest in the body.
Heart disease is now common among many individuals. It is caused due to a range of factors such as unhealthy eating habits, lifestyle, and the genetic factors. Moreover, any damages or obstructions in the major blood vessels to the heart can cause the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases. However, most people underestimate the fact that sleep apnea and heart diseases are closely related. By understanding this, one can take the necessary precautions to prevent further complicating of the sleep disorder and avoid the chances of cardiovascular diseases.
Sleep Apnea and Heart Disease
Sleep apnea and heart disease are closely related because the sleep disorder and snoring can result in the overstraining of the cardiac and respiratory systems. This will cause severe damage to these systems that can be life threatening if proper treatments are not given. Studies even indicate that the shortness of breath that occurs in sleep apnea can result in a quick cardiac arrest in an individual.
There are numerous symptoms of heart diseases induced by sleep apnea. Some of them are,
- Rhythm variations of the heart
- Loud snoring
- Chest pain
- Headaches in the morning
- Excessive thirst
- Attention-deficit hyperactive disorder
These and many other symptoms are indicative of a sleep apnea-induced heart disease. Therefore, you must consult with a doctor when experiencing any of these symptoms. Doing so will enable a proper treatment option for you depending on the severity of the disorder.
Treatment Methods
One of the most effective treatments that most medical professionals recommend is the usage of anti snoring devices. These devices can help to prevent both snoring and sleep apnea by aligning the jaws and throat in their proper position. Besides that, doctors may also recommend some major lifestyle modifications such as quitting smoking, avoiding caffeine intake, and setting up strict sleep timetable to fight sleep apnea and related issues.
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