The ultimate objective for many of the snoring mouth guards is to advance the mandible forward and especially clear the airway blockages in the throat for a better flow of air. However, some people find it more comforting to raise the upper body and keep the airway closed so that breathing can be through the nose. Oftentimes, snorers try different kinds of postures on the bed to avoid the tongue from receding and partially block the airway in the back of the throat. Known as “positional therapy”, this is basically changing from the supine position to sleeping on the side.
Besides, there are alternative ways to circumvent the tongue receding issue, which triggers snoring, and one is to raise the upper body when in sleep. There are anti snoring pillows that let you raise the head by 6 inches or so and thereby reduce the loud grunting sounds that disrupt sleep. Such kinds of pillows also have hypoallergenic properties as well, that avoid the bedtime allergies that trigger snoring, besides providing a back support.
Raising the upper body using simple little tricks can provide breathing comfort also. In fact, there are many different ways to raise the upper body and some of the easiest ones are as follows. Note that these snoring aids can help you to control snoring due to a nasal congestion also owing to the angle and sleep posture.
When laying flat on the bed, the airway pressure pulling down the mouth palates may cause a vibration and, in turn, snoring. However, changing the sleep posture can help to reduce the airway pressure in the nasal cavity and may go a long way in clearing loud, persistent snoring at night.
For starters, raise the entire upper part of the bed by placing something just below the legs of the furniture, to the side where you place the pillow to be precise. This would raise the bed at an angle that produces the same comfort. However, some people may find the bed elevation trick taking a toll on the bodily comfort, especially the bedfellow, so you can use the anti snoring pillow to elevate the head. Besides, the advantage of using stop snoring pillows is that you can use the same alongside snoring aids such as the mouthpiece for snoring, which keeps the mandible forward and clears the partial congestion in the back of the throat.
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