Chin Strap For Snoring

The Vicious Cycle of Obesity and Snoring

Chin Strap For Snoring

Snoring Related Issues

Prof. Peter Cistulli, who is one of the most renowned sleep experts in the world, recently stated in an interview that more and more individuals are falling prey to sleep disorders such as snoring and sleep apnea. He believes that the sudden increase in the rate of these sleeping disorders is due to the global obesity epidemic.

Of course, obesity is one of the most severe health issues in the country today and the percentage of obese people in the country has considerably increased in the recent years. Another important thing to note is that people who are obese might develop heart diseases, cancer, diabetes, and other health disorders, and not just snoring and sleep apnea.

The Risk Associated with Sleeping Disorders

Prof. Cistulli said that one out of every five couples all over the world is forced to sleep apart due to the irritating and disturbing snoring sound made by either of the partners. If your bedmate is a loud or regular snorer, then you will surely find it extremely hard to enjoy a good night’s sleep. This will surely affect your work productivity because you will feel sleepy during the daytime.

The good news is that you will be able to avoid such hassles and issues by asking your partner to seek medical assistance from an expert sleep analyst or health care provider. If your partner is obese, then the health care provider will probably ask him/her to reduce weight by engaging in activities such as running and jogging.

On the other hand, if your partner is not obese, then he/she will be advised to make a few lifestyle changes and cut down dairy products from the diet. The health care provider might even ask them to stop smoking and to avoid drinking alcohol at least a few hours before going to the bed. If none of these methods work, then your partner will have to use a chin strap for snoring. This will surely help them to reduce or stop snoring.

The Extent of Sleep Disorders

Sleeping disorders like snoring and sleep apnea were once considered as disorders that commonly affect middle-aged men. However, recent studies and surveys conducted by experts in the field of medical science reveal that snoring affects approximately 50 percent of adult men whereas the condition of sleep apnea is found in 25 percent adults.

Another important thing you need to realize is that both sleep apnea and snoring are often linked to chronic health issues such as dementia, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and even cancer. According to Prof. Cistulli, “In some ways, sleep apnea could be a missing link in our understanding of lots of chronic diseases that were previously unrecognized, or under-recognized – that is feeding into the development of these diseases.”

How Does Being Obese Make you Snore

Sleep Apnea

Anti Snoring Remedies

It is significant to realize the fact that the excess fat in the body of obese or overweight people does not just accumulate on their thighs or tummy. The excess fat in our body can get accumulated around the neck, jawline, and even on the face. The presence of excess fat around the neck will constrict the upper airway passages, especially when you are lying down, which in turn blocks the normal breathing cycle, and increases the risk of snoring.

In addition to that, the excess fat in your chest and middle areas of your body will put extra weight on the throat and lungs when you are lying down. This will also obstruct the airway passages and trigger the irritating and disturbing snoring sound when you are sleeping. However, if obesity is the major culprit behind your snoring issues, then you will be easily able to solve the issue by shedding a few pounds.

Snoring Remedies for Obese People

You might have probably heard about special weight loss diets and exercises to reduce weight from your family members, partner, or friends. You might probably find it very confusing and hard to figure out a diet that suits you. If that is the case, then simply follow the below regime.

  • Switch to a low carbohydrate diet
  • Eat dinner at least a couple of hours before going to bed
  • Avoid big meals and try to eat little

There are plenty of snoring remedies out there but it is best to consult with your health care provider before adopting any such technique. The medical expert will give you a clear idea on what snoring remedies are right for you and what actually works.

In most cases, regular and loud snorers are advised to wear anti snoring mouthpieces. These medically proven devices will bring your jaw forward while you are asleep, which will in turn prevent your tongue from falling back and causing obstruction in the airways. However, obese individuals are always advised to reduce weight for better results.

The Symptoms Risk Factors and Diagnosis of CSA

Chin Strap For Snoring

Sleep Apnea And CSA

Sleep apnea is one of the most common sleeping disorders that affect millions of people from all over the world. People who are suffering from this condition will not be able to enjoy a good night’s sleep because their breathing will get automatically stopped when they are asleep. A series of repeated pauses, known as apneic events, is responsible for the sudden stoppage of breathing in the case of sleep apnea patients.

Sleep apnea can be divided into three categories: complex or mixed sleep apnea, central sleep apnea, and obstructive sleep apnea. Obstructive sleep apnea is the most common form of sleep apnea and it usually occurs when the muscles in your throat relax due to snoring or other related issues.

Central sleep apnea is other commonly seen disorder that occurs when your brain does not send the right signals to the muscles, which control breathing. On the other hand, mixed or complex sleep apnea is a combination of both central and obstructive sleep apnea but they are not that common.

The condition of sleep apnea can bring serious health disorders and diseases to the patient if left untreated. For instance, people who are suffering from sleep apnea are at a greater risk of heart diseases, diabetes, obesity, stroke, and more. In addition to that, some people with sleep apnea also fall asleep during the daytime, as they are unable to sleep at night. This in turn increases the chance of accidents while driving.

Central Sleep Apnea

Stop Snoring

Central Sleep Apnea

The condition of central sleep apnea is very much different from obstructive sleep apnea. In the case of CSA, the breathing of patients is disrupted when they are asleep due to the way in which their brain functions. This is because the brain will not send signals to your muscles that are responsible for breathing.

This type of central sleep apnea is typically several serious illnesses. The lower brainstem of patients who are suffering from central sleep apnea will not function smoothly. The pause in breathing due to central sleep apnea may last for about 20 seconds in just infants.

The Risk of CSA

The condition of central sleep apnea is reported to be a lot more common in older adults, particularly the ones who are above the age of 65. These people suffer from CSA because of their other medical conditions and due to their sleeping patterns. Another important point to remember is that men are at a greater risk of central and obstructive sleep apnea than women.

It is true that being overweight is considered as a risk factor for obstructive sleep apnea by both sleep analysts and health care providers. However, several experts in the field of medical science claim that being obese is not a risk factor when it comes to central sleep apnea.

Central sleep apnea is generally associated with a number of health conditions and disorders. However, one particular form of CSA is not associated with any diseases and its cause is still unknown to healthcare providers. Some of the most common conditions that are associated with central sleep apnea are the following.

  • Neurological diseases like Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, and Parkinson’s disease.
  • Kidney failure
  • Hypothyroid diseases
  • Congestive heart failure
  • Brainstem damage due to stroke, injury, or encephalitis

Symptoms of CSA

Diagnosing CSA

Blood Oxygen Levels

Even though snoring is one of the mainly reported symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea, it is usually not present in individuals who are suffering from central sleep apnea. However, sudden and short stoppages of breathing when you are asleep are common in patients with both OSA and CSA. Some of the lesser-known symptoms of central sleep apnea are as follows.

  • Mood swings
  • Difficulty to concentrate and poor memory
  • Headaches in the morning
  • Waking up at regular intervals at night
  • Feeling tired during the daytime

Diagnosing CSA

If you have any of the above-mentioned symptoms or if you are unable to sleep properly at night due to snoring or other sleeping disorders, it is best to get in touch with a health care provider as soon as possible. The health care provider will initially assess your medical history and run a few tests to see if you are suffering from any form of sleep apnea or not.

In some cases, health care providers may also ask you to undergo an overnight sleep study, which is known as polysomnogram. This test is usually performed under the supervision of expert technologists or sleep analysts. During the test, the healthcare provider will monitor the following body functions of your body.

  • Blood oxygen levels
  • Airflow
  • Breathing patterns
  • Heart rate
  • Muscle activities
  • Eye movements
  • Brain’s electrical activities

Once the test is completed, healthcare providers will count the number of times your breathing is impaired to identify the severity of your sleep apnea.

The Relationship between Snoring and Dementia

Chin Strap For Snoring

Snoring And Dementia

Snoring can be defined as “the vibration of respiratory structures and the resulting sound due to obstructed air movement during breathing while sleeping”. It has become one of the common issues among the people of the United States. In fact, a recent study revealed that one out of every four person in the US snores on a regular basis, and most of those snorers are prone to sleep disorders like sleep apnea. The potential risks of other health issues due to snoring cannot be disregarded either.

Snoring and Dementia

Dementia is a medical term that is used to indicate memory loss and other mental impairments, which will affect the ability of a person to lead a normal life. Studies say that around 75% of dementia patients suffer from Alzheimer’s disease; yet another common type of dementia is Vascular Dementia and it occurs if a person encounters a sudden stroke.

An important thing that you must note here is that there are certain health disorders like vitamin deficiency, thyroid, etc., exhibit almost the same symptoms as that of dementia. Hence, it is recommended to consult a doctor immediately if you encountered any memory related issues, and do not simply assume that snoring is the reason behind the problem.

The Relationship between Snoring and Dementia

Dementia or memory loss is one amongst the long-term after effects of snoring. In fact, many recent studies claim that snoring or sleep apnea is linked to the early stage of long-term memory loss and dementia. In case of a person suffering from sleep apnea, he/she may wake up more than a hundred times while sleeping because of lack of breath. This is because of the inefficiency of your body to deliver oxygen to the brain.

As a result, the blood flow to the brain will become low, in turn lowering the level of oxygen. This irregular delivery of oxygen and blood to the brain may trigger memory loss, Alzheimer’s, dementia, and all in a person.

It is advisable to use anti snoring devices like mouth guards, chinstrap for snoring, etc., to tackle the snoring problem. For a person suffering from advanced stage of sleep apnea, a CPAP machine will be the best option. However, it is recommended to consult a physician before choosing any kind of sleeping aids; a good doctor will suggest treatment methods that ensure proper oxygen and blood supply to the brain in order to rule out the chances of dementia in future.

You can also try some simple remedies like essential oils, yoga, exercises, etc., at home to curb the intensity of the health issue. Ultimately, the key point is to treat sleep apnea in an early stage in order to prevent memory loss or dementia in future.

3 Reasons Why Snoring Occurs and How to Alleviate it

Stop Snoring

Stop Snoring Tips

It is a known fact that snoring not just causes sleep disturbances to both the snorer and the bedmate, but also leads to several severe health conditions. For instance, loud snoring is a symptom of Obstructive Sleep Apnea, which is characterized by breathing cessations during sleep and waking up gasping for breath. An apnea cycle could last from a few seconds to up to an hour in sleep. When snoring is loud and is an apnea symptom, a patient runs the risk of everything from lapses in concentration during the day to cardiovascular disease.

It is important to diagnose and understand the root cause of snoring to get the right remedies for it. Although even allergies and teeth structure can lead to snoring, the following are the main underlying causes of the health condition.

Mouth Breathing and Snoring

This refers to when one breathes through the mouth instead of the nose during sleep. It is recommended to identify if that is the reason why you snore with a medical checkup. Your snoring is likely due to mouth breathing if you snore only when the mouth is open. If so, keeping the mouth closed is the way to alleviate snoring. For that, you can use a chin strap for snoring.

Nasal Blockages and Snoring

If one’s nostrils are congested or if they collapse during sleep, it could cause blockages in the airway. One test to understand that is to close the nose’s one side by pressing it with the finger and then trying to take a breath with the mouth closed. If the nostril sags, then using a nasal dilator could help alleviate that and snoring. However, if nasal congestion is the reason behind constricted breathing, then probably allergies are causing that.

Tongue Falling and Snoring

When the tongue recedes into the throat’s back, it blocks the airway and thereby causes snoring. One way to test if that is the cause is to stick out the tongue as far as you can and grab it amid the teeth. If your snoring is alleviated in that position, it is likely due to tongue falling back into the throat. To prevent that, you can use a Mandibular Advancement Device to keep the lower jaw forward and keep the tongue from blocking the airway. Using a stop snoring mouthpiece will prevent that and will provide a free flow of air during sleep.

Common Types of Intrinsic Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorders

Chin Strap For Snoring

Types Of Sleeping Disorders

Circadian rhythm cycle is actually the biological clock in one’s body that controls the sleep and wakefulness period of a person. Any disruption to the circadian rhythm can result in various sleeping disorders that may ultimately result in snoring and sleep apnea or other serious health issues. In some cases, it can happen the other way round as well. That is, snoring can lead to circadian rhythm sleep disorders and other health problems. In such cases, you can use any of the snoring devices recommended by a physician to alleviate it.

Categories of Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorders

Intrinsic and extrinsic disorders are two types of circadian rhythm sleep disorders. The former one is actually an internal health condition, in which the biological clock of a person is different from that of others. In this case, the person may either go to sleep way too early or late when compared to others. This will get worse every other day.

In case of the latter, it is circumstantial. That is, external factors like darkness, light, stress related to family, job, work, etc. Similarly, uncommon working schedules or snoring issues can also contribute to this. Below are some of the common intrinsic circadian rhythm sleep disorders.

Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome (DSPS)

In this disorder, the affected person feels exhausted at later hours when compared to others, which makes him/her stay awake throughout the night. As a result, the person will wake up late in the morning. In such patients, the melatonin production will occur at least two or more hours later, which keeps them awake at night. Furthermore, along with a delayed production, the melatonin hardly lasts the same amount of time as in normal people, making it hard for the affected persons to wake up early.

Note that teenagers and young adults are mainly prone to DSPS and this may reflect in their academic performance as well. People suffering from DSPS often encounter other disorders such as depression, excessive daytime sleepiness, late night insomnia, regular snoring, etc.

Advanced Sleep Phase Syndrome (ASPS)

In this case, the affected person will start feeling sleepy earlier in the evening making him/her sleep earlier than others, which is just the opposite of DSPS. However, the melatonin production is same as that of DSPS patients. Still, the sufferers tend to wake up two hours earlier in this case.

In some cases of ASPS, the patients will wake up two hours late. Here, the side effects include early morning insomnia, depression, insufficient sleep, excessive daytime sleepiness, etc. It is noted that ASPS is commonly seen in elderly people, where as only 1% of young adults are diagnosed with the sleep disorder.

Common Causes of Daytime Sleepiness and How to Deal with it

Chin Strap For Snoring

Causes Of Daytime Sleepiness

One’s mental and physical health can contribute to a sense of sleepiness at daytime. However, it always boils down to a lack of proper nighttime sleep. There are several causes to loss in sleep quality including various conditions from restless leg syndrome to sleep apnea. Two of the main causes of daytime sleepiness, their symptoms, and ways to improve sleep quality are as follows.

Restless Leg Syndrome

This is often considered as a type of sleep disorder, as restless leg syndrome affect the quality of sleep. Several things, from excessive caffeine to alcoholism and tobacco smoking, can cause the problem.

Generally, the condition is characterized by an urge to move the legs when lying or sitting on bed on evening hours or nighttime. However, the extent of symptoms varies from one patient to the other. In some patients, moving the legs can make uncomfortable sensations to lessen or go away.

Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is characterized by loud snoring and breathing cessations, which tend to last from a few seconds to more time than that when a person is deep asleep and not aware of the problem. These intervals, where one wakes up gasping for breath, are known as apnea episodes.

A non-invasive remedy for sleep apnea is to use a stop snoring mouthpiece, which is worn during sleep to advance the lower jaw forward and thereby avoid soft tissues in the throat from collapsing and obstructing the airway. The mouthpiece has no side effects, and is a clinically approved remedy for loud snoring and mild to moderate sleep apnea.

Note that there are several other causes to feeling sleepiness at daytime besides these two. For instance, people suffering from chronic skin disease or other conditions are prone to falling asleep much earlier than standard bedtime as well as take a nap at daytime. Therefore, doctors specialized in oral appliance therapy recommend changes in lifestyle to patients as well for better results.

Some of such recommendations may include cutting back on alcohol consumption, tobacco, and caffeine. Such substances, especially caffeine, act as stimulants and can cause one to stay active for more hours than needed, thereby leading to poor sleep quality. If you feel sleepiness at daytime, limit the tendency to take longer naps and stick to power naps. Remember, naps that last more than 1 hour disrupts the sleep cycle, but power naps can make you feel refreshed.

Why Do Apnea Patients Wear a Chinstrap in Combination with CPAP Mask

Apnea Chin Strap

Apnea Patients

Chinstraps are fastened around the lower jaw and the head’s top. If you are under continuous positive airway pressure therapy, the slightly pressurized air being supplied via the nose through a face mask will leak out if the mouth falls open during sleep. This is why apnea patients at times use anti snoring chinstraps to mitigate the side effects of CPAP.

When sleeping, the lower jaw stays in a relaxed position and that can make you to breathe through the mouth. Mouth breathing often causes a sore throat or a dry mouth in apnea patients, especially when they wake up. However, patients can mitigate the side effects of CPAP by wearing an apnea chin strap. Wearing the anti snoring chin strap makes it tough for the mandible to relax while sleeping, which helps to keep the nasal mask securely in place and the mouth closed.

If you use a full face CPAP mask while sleeping, and find that air is leaking due to an open mouth, it is best to use a nasal mask instead and seal it with a chinstrap. Obviously, mouth breathing tend to cause snoring, so wearing a chinstrap in combination with a nasal mask is advisable to mitigate the symptoms of sleep apnea.

You might require a chinstrap if you snore even during the CPAP therapy, as that indicates you are breathing through the mouth despite wearing a nasal mask. So, even if you use that type of CPAP mask, using a chin strap for snoring in combination with that will give comfort to your sleep.

Even if you are not snoring, it will not be very comfortable to wake up with a sore throat or dry mouth. Such side effects are consequences of sleeping with an open mouth, which can be mitigated by using an apnea chin strap. Most of such chinstraps are made in a way they are compatible with a specific type of CPAP mask, so there is no doubt that you get a tight seal, especially if you wear it with nasal mask type. Further, most chinstraps are also made of soft fabric, which will not brush against the face rather uncomfortably, and stretchable material that contours to the shape of the face and ensures you of a tight fit.

Why Do Apnea Patients with CPAP Intolerance Choose Oral Appliances?

Chin Strap for Snoring

CPAP Therapy And Sleep Apnea

Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) therapy is commonly used as a treatment option for people diagnosed with Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). The therapy involves using a CPAP machine, which pumps slightly pressurized air into the nasal airways via an elongated hose hooked to a face mask worn, while the person is asleep. This contraption is used to hold open the OSA patient’s upper airway, and prevent breathing difficulties which may last from a few seconds to a full hour.

While CPAP is a tried-and-tested method for treating sleep apnea, many people face hardships in sticking with the therapy. Most medical professionals term the difficulty to comply with it as CPAP intolerance. Often, the noise coming from the bulky CPAP machine, causing disturbance to apnea patients and bedmates, is found to be the main reason for intolerance, which leads to the failure of CPAP therapy. However, there are several other reasons for CPAP intolerance, including:

  • Air leaks in the face mask, which cause a dry mouth in the morning;
  • The person being allergic to the material of the oxygen mask used in CPAP, which often tends to be made up of latex;
  • Uncomfortable headgear and straps; and
  • Limited mobility during sleep, due to the contraption or the CPAP machine, and other connections.

If you feel that you cannot comply with the CPAP, it is advisable to look for alternative treatments for mild to moderate apnea, such as oral appliance therapy. In fact, oral appliance therapy may also serve as a remedy for loud snoring, even if you find it tough to get used to positional therapy. For instance, if you find it tough to change from a supine or prone position to a side-sleeping one on the bed – it’s best to wear an oral appliance used to treat mild to moderate OSA.

Side sleeping is suggested in positional therapy for treating apnea; most people do find comfort in opening the upper airway using a snoring remedy, but not all feel the same way. In fact, an oral appliance such as a sleep apnea mouth guard is considered as a noninvasive treatment for OSA. Such snoring mouthpieces do not cause any side effects, and work as per the same principle – of clearing the obstructions in the upper throat. Once worn, it advances the lower jaw and ensures free flow of air.

Who Can Use a Chin Strap for Standard Cases of Snoring

Chin Strap For Snoring

Using Chin Strap

Chin straps are one of the most affordable, non-invasive remedies for snoring available in the market as of now. The strap for snoring enables breathing through the nose and is worn around the head prior to sleep. The chin strap would help keep the lower jaw forward throughout the sleep and even if you roll on the bed, the strap remains affixed.

Snoring often occurs due to partial blockages in the back of the throat, and many of the snoring remedies would solve that by advancing the lower jaw. The positioning of the lower jaw is pivotal in controlling snoring and like the Mandibular Advancement Devices, the anti-snoring chin strap also keeps the jaw in an advanced position to help in less congested breathing.

How the Device Works

An important function of the chin strap for snoring is to prevent the muscles in the jaws from vibrating when you inhale. Oftentimes, when a person falls into a deep sleep, the chin recedes slightly, leaving the mouth partially open, causing an obstruction in the back of the throat. However, when you wear the chin strap the lower jaw remains closed, in turn leaving the upper airway free of obstructions and giving sufficient air to the respiratory systems. Such kinds of non-invasive snoring remedies not only improve breathing process in the sleep but also help the user have a peaceful sleep.

Who Should Be Using Chin Straps for Snoring

It is quite important for you to consider some aspects before buying a chinstrap. For instance, you need to take into account the way snoring occurs in your sleep. There are self-help tests that would help figure out the type of snorer you are with utmost ease. One such test is to breathe through one nostril with the mouth closed. If you can breathe easily through the other nostril, then chances are that using a nasal dilator may resolve the snoring issue you are facing.

Chinstraps can help especially if you are a mouth breather, as the device can help keep a check on the issue with mouth closure that triggers snoring. However, if you have blockages in the nasal cavity you should be trying other snoring remedies like the nasal dilators or humidifiers.

Snoring and Acid Reflux

Chin Strap For Snoring

Snoring And Acid Reflux

Health experts claim that people who suffer from gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), commonly called as acid reflux, usually suffer from snoring, and in the worst cases, experience chest pains not related to heart problems. Studies show that acid reflux can also lead to coughing, sore throat, sinusitis, and wheezing, in addition to chest pains and snoring.

In acid reflux, the stomach content flow into the lower part of the esophagus, which is the tube from the throat region to the stomach. One of the most common symptoms of acid reflux is heartburn, where other symptoms can be recurring chest pain, dry cough, and sore throat. The person can also experience constant tiredness and this can be an indication of some complication.

When the acid reflux becomes much persistent, it can disrupt the life of the person and damage the esophagus. This type of acid reflux is usually called gastroesophageal reflux disease.

Acid reflux is not a pleasant situation to be, especially if the person confuses the problem with heart issues. After all, chronic snoring, or that caused by sleep apnea can result in heat issues, diabetes, hypertension. In any case, sleep loses due to snoring, irrespective of the cause, can result in overeating to compensate, which can in turn lead to gain in weight.

Weight gain can further aggravate the snoring problem and can lead to diabetes, hypertension, artery problems, and many more. Therefore, if your snoring and resulting daytime sleepiness and fatigue are caused by acid reflux, it needs to be taken care as fast as possible.

In the opinion of many doctors, acid reflux can be minimized by having wise eating habits. Experts say that it will be beneficial to eat smaller meals and not to have dinner close to bedtime. A good strategy will be to eat dinner four or five hours before bedtime. If you eat close to bedtime, it can lead to increased acid levels in the stomach, which is the main cause of GERD.

If you snore at night and experience tiredness and fatigue in the morning, you will have to get professional help to find the underlying cause. If acid reflux is not the cause of your snoring and resultant tiredness, simple snoring aids like a chin strap for snoring might help you fix the issue and help you have a good sleep.