The Vicious Cycle of Obesity and Snoring
Prof. Peter Cistulli, who is one of the most renowned sleep experts in the world, recently stated in an interview that more and more individuals are falling prey to sleep disorders such as snoring and sleep apnea. He believes that the sudden increase in the rate of these sleeping disorders is due to the global obesity epidemic.
Of course, obesity is one of the most severe health issues in the country today and the percentage of obese people in the country has considerably increased in the recent years. Another important thing to note is that people who are obese might develop heart diseases, cancer, diabetes, and other health disorders, and not just snoring and sleep apnea.
The Risk Associated with Sleeping Disorders
Prof. Cistulli said that one out of every five couples all over the world is forced to sleep apart due to the irritating and disturbing snoring sound made by either of the partners. If your bedmate is a loud or regular snorer, then you will surely find it extremely hard to enjoy a good night’s sleep. This will surely affect your work productivity because you will feel sleepy during the daytime.
The good news is that you will be able to avoid such hassles and issues by asking your partner to seek medical assistance from an expert sleep analyst or health care provider. If your partner is obese, then the health care provider will probably ask him/her to reduce weight by engaging in activities such as running and jogging.
On the other hand, if your partner is not obese, then he/she will be advised to make a few lifestyle changes and cut down dairy products from the diet. The health care provider might even ask them to stop smoking and to avoid drinking alcohol at least a few hours before going to the bed. If none of these methods work, then your partner will have to use a chin strap for snoring. This will surely help them to reduce or stop snoring.
The Extent of Sleep Disorders
Sleeping disorders like snoring and sleep apnea were once considered as disorders that commonly affect middle-aged men. However, recent studies and surveys conducted by experts in the field of medical science reveal that snoring affects approximately 50 percent of adult men whereas the condition of sleep apnea is found in 25 percent adults.
Another important thing you need to realize is that both sleep apnea and snoring are often linked to chronic health issues such as dementia, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and even cancer. According to Prof. Cistulli, “In some ways, sleep apnea could be a missing link in our understanding of lots of chronic diseases that were previously unrecognized, or under-recognized – that is feeding into the development of these diseases.”
How Does Being Obese Make you Snore
It is significant to realize the fact that the excess fat in the body of obese or overweight people does not just accumulate on their thighs or tummy. The excess fat in our body can get accumulated around the neck, jawline, and even on the face. The presence of excess fat around the neck will constrict the upper airway passages, especially when you are lying down, which in turn blocks the normal breathing cycle, and increases the risk of snoring.
In addition to that, the excess fat in your chest and middle areas of your body will put extra weight on the throat and lungs when you are lying down. This will also obstruct the airway passages and trigger the irritating and disturbing snoring sound when you are sleeping. However, if obesity is the major culprit behind your snoring issues, then you will be easily able to solve the issue by shedding a few pounds.
Snoring Remedies for Obese People
You might have probably heard about special weight loss diets and exercises to reduce weight from your family members, partner, or friends. You might probably find it very confusing and hard to figure out a diet that suits you. If that is the case, then simply follow the below regime.
- Switch to a low carbohydrate diet
- Eat dinner at least a couple of hours before going to bed
- Avoid big meals and try to eat little
There are plenty of snoring remedies out there but it is best to consult with your health care provider before adopting any such technique. The medical expert will give you a clear idea on what snoring remedies are right for you and what actually works.
In most cases, regular and loud snorers are advised to wear anti snoring mouthpieces. These medically proven devices will bring your jaw forward while you are asleep, which will in turn prevent your tongue from falling back and causing obstruction in the airways. However, obese individuals are always advised to reduce weight for better results.