Snoring Remedies

What to Do if you Feel Sleepy during the Daytime

Mouthpiece For Sleep Apnea

Snoring Related Issues

Snoring can sometimes be a symptom of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), a serious sleep disorder that takes a toll on the physical as well as mental well being of the affected person. People who snore loudly at night feel sleepy during the day, but a sleep study is necessary to confirm whether a snorer suffers from OSA.

Sleep study for OSA involves monitoring one’s breathing patterns, blood levels and oxygen levels. This is generally done with the use of a specialized equipment on a subject in the assumption that he or she who feels sleepy during the daytime has OSA. If the study reveals the person subjected to it has the sleep disorder, then various snoring remedies are tried to improve his or her sleep quality.

A remedy or a combination of remedies for Obstructive Sleep Apnea is recommended to a person only based on the study’s results or severity of the sleep disorder. The main treatment option for mild to moderate apnea is an oral appliance. The type of oral device could also be helpful in dealing with the underlying reason behind snoring and sleep apnea.

For instance, if you were snoring due to a receding lower jaw or partial breathing obstructions in the upper throat, then a mouthpiece for sleep apnea will work to free the airway and allow proper breathing during the nighttime. Such a Mandibular Advancement Device (MAD), as it is technically known, is a clinically proven and non-invasive remedy for snoring, which sleep specialists recommend for mild to moderate apnea too.

To bring about better results in the oral appliance therapy, doctors may also suggest conservative treatment options like sleeping on the sides, reducing weight, avoiding alcohol before a few hours of bedtime, and any other lifestyle changes. Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) therapy can be helpful too but it is usually used to treat more severe cases of OSA. In other words, that is recommended for people who snore loudly as an apnea symptom.

Sometimes, a combination of MAD and CPAP is also used to treat the sleep disorder. However, not all people who snore suffer from OSA. Besides, there could be other reasons for feeling drowsy at an inappropriate time of the day as well. In fact, it all starts with proper diagnosis, so if you feel sleepy and drowsy during the daytime very often, consult with a sleep specialist as soon as possible to figure out what is causing it, and how to deal with it.

How Snoring Affects Sleep Partners and How to Control it

Stop Snoring

Snoring Related Issues

Snoring occurs due to obstructions in the upper throat, especially when the lower jaw collapses or the tongue falls back blocking the airway. This leads to a vibration of tissues that occurs when the breathed air rushes past the throat portion.

Snoring is mild in its earlier stages, but when it becomes loud, it affects even bedmate of a snorer. Usually, people who snore do not know they have it. Even those who snore loudly perhaps do not realize the extent of it. That is when the role of a sleep partner becomes all the more important. Loud snoring can cause sleep disturbance to a bedmate and could even lead to hearing loss. So when it becomes loud, you actually have to find ways to reduce the noise level in your bedroom.

Depending on your requirement, you could try any of these things or a combination of any of them to achieve that, and sleep comfortably. Remember, sleeping apart is the last option.

Create White Noise

Several compact devices called white noise machines creates a low background noise, which can help to soften other sounds in a room. There are white noise fans too, which helps in masking the snoring sound. This way you can turn your attention away from your snoring partner.

Use Earplugs

These affordable and simple-to-use devices go a long way in improving your sleep quality, since they can effectively block out the surrounding noise. Make sure to look for a pair of earplugs that are comfortable to wear and fit well, so that they will not fall off even if you move on your bed.

Try Relaxation Exercises

Focus on breathing deep and other techniques for relaxation and meditation. These things are worth a try, as they can help you to calm down, relax, and get a relatively better sleep. Try them just before going to sleep so that you can reap maximum benefits out of it.

Use a Stop Snoring Device

The best way to sleep comfortably is to make your partner stop snoring. You can use anti snoring remedies or devices for that, such as a mandibular advancement device that advances the lower jaw and clears the obstruction in the airway for a free flow of air. Yet again, it is important to diagnose the actual cause behind the snoring issue before you recommend your partner any of the anti snoring solutions.

Everything you Need to Know about Catathrenia

Snore Stop

Snoring Related Issues

Sleep health disorders that affect normal breathing of a person are always as dangerous as they sound. Catathrenia is one such sleep-related breathing disorder, which is characterized by groaning during the process of exhalation. Such sounds usually occur during REM sleep stages and are frequently preceded by a form of extremely slow breathing called “bradypnea”.

How Catathrenia Differs to Snoring and Sleep Apnea

While groaning happens during exhalation, snoring happens during inhalation. Although groaning sounds may cause irritation to a bedfellow, the sleep-related breathing disorder is not linked to any serious health conditions. While a person experiences catathrenia, there is no reduction in oxygen saturation of blood, which is common in Sleep Apnea.

Catathrenia patients seldom experience fragmented sleep or excessive sleepiness during the daytime, which is one of the symptoms of apnea. Most catathrenia patients get normal and adequate sleep each night and wake up feeling rested.

Can Catathrenia Be Detrimental to Sleep

While those who suffer from the sleep-related breathing disorder seldom notice symptoms and do not reveal daytime fatigue, groaning noises can still cause sleep disturbances to a bedmate. This is similar to how snoring causes an irritation to a bedmate. If groaning is frequent, it is recommended to treat your bedmate’s catathrenia to improve your sleep quality.

For the improvement of that, it is as much a bed partner’s need to treat the health condition in someone close; the same goes for Sleep Apnea and snoring too.

Remedies for Catathrenia

Sleep Apnea patients are recommended to use snore stop remedies for the betterment of sleep. Likewise, this sleep-related breathing disorder is not without treatments. One of the treatment options for catathrenia is continuous positive airway therapy, also known as CPAP. Other remedies for the health condition comprise wearing an oral appliance and undergoing a surgical procedure, depending on the underlying cause.

Besides, it is important to make groaning noises less audible to a bedmate. For that, you can tell them to wear earplugs during sleep or rely on a fan’s white noise to mask the sounds. Sleeping separately may be the last resort, depending on how comfortable you are sleeping with a catathrenia patient.

In case your sleep is disturbed, it is important to get a diagnosis to know what is going on with your partner’s sleep. Insufficient sleep cause lapses in concentration, reduce cognitive capabilities, and affect mood. Treatment is important since these things are all down to his or her sleep quality and they intervene with daily activities.

Everything you May Want to Know about Snoring

Snore Guard

Facts About Snoring

Snoring occurs when the lower jaw relaxes during sleep causing a blockage in the upper throat and making the soft tissues vibrate against the roof of the mouth. Well, the sleep-disordered breathing condition is a little more complicated than how popular culture takes it – sometimes with sarcasm too.

If you are a frequent snorer, the effects it causes to the body include everything from dehydration in the morning and jadedness in the daytime. Sleep deprivation is a common occurrence among those who snore, yet if you do not treat the condition in time, it is likely to pose risk factors for several health conditions, which mainly include Obstructive Sleep Apnea and heart diseases.

It is rather unfortunate that those who snore frequently do not even know the issue is bothering their health. There are several ways to keep tabs on snoring though, including using an application for that, but the best way is to tell your bedmate to monitor your sleep patterns. Oftentimes, the excessive tiredness during the day and other things such as headache can be confused for other health concerns. So, you may as well consider getting a medical checkup to know if you are a snorer.

Snoring affects the sleep quality of not just the person who experiences it, but also the person sleeping beside the snorer. Since snoring is the sort of health condition that leads to loud noise and even bad breath, it is important to treat it to get a peaceful sleep and avoid other issues that may snowball. The snoring sound is known to pose a risk of hearing impairment too, which is why it is best to seek medical help to diagnose and treat the issue as early as possible. Depending on how the diagnosis goes, the doctor may even recommend you non-invasive snoring remedies.

What to Take Note of before Self-Treating Snoring

Of course, if you are going to get professional help to treat nighttime snoring knowing the cause, you are in trusted hands to an extent. However, if you are planning to counter the snoring problem by self, note that not all over-the-counter snoring remedies are created equal and work perfectly in all cases. In other words, it is important to understand the underlying cause that leads to snoring in your case before using any anti snoring aid.

Nighttime breathing can become difficult if there is a cold or stuffy nose, teeth grinding issue, or even allergies. So, try to understand as much as you can about snoring prior to treating it. Talk to your doctor about everything you feel awkward about your present health – even the minutest of things you ignore during checkup may be the underlying cause. Tell what you feel and do not give inklings for misdiagnosis to doctors.

Snoring Remedies

Snoring Related Issues

For instance, “I grind teeth” is a better way to express your symptoms to a doctor than “I grind teeth probably because of anxiety or stress”. The last part is unimportant to the snoring discussion; treating that is a matter of being specific.

Other Things to Know about Snoring

Your habits also contribute to the quality of life. Commonly, most snorers are overweight – not that only obese people snore, but if you are 20 pounds more than the reasonable weight, that can potentially lead to snoring problems.

Millions of people snore habitually during sleep. It is seen that the physical attributes that cause snoring, such as narrow throat, swelled adenoids or cleft palates, may be inherited from previous generations. What’s more, it is estimated that this health condition affects men more than women.

Tried and Tested Remedies to Treat Snoring

Fortunately, several remedies are available in the market to help you overcome snoring in due course. The key to treating snoring in time is to rely on not just the right remedy, but that you persist with the one you feel the most comfortable to use. Note that not all snoring remedies are one-size-fits-all solutions. Still, there are non-invasive and clinically proven anti snoring devices such as a snore guard or a mouthpiece that can help in treating the condition in most cases.

Anti snore guards are mandibular advancement devices, which are medically proven safe and effective to alleviate the sleep-disordered breathing problem. These snoring remedies aid in a better flow of air by ensuring that the mandible is not sagging. That can bring a difference to your sleep quality and daily activities, making you agile and fresh.

The snoring mouthpiece worn during sleep is not going to be a painful remedy for snoring, as doing a surgery in the throat to eliminate the tissues from vibrating. Besides, it is affordable to buy a snore guard over-the-counter or without a doctor’s prescription. Most of the snore guards come with the approval of Food and Drug Administration too.

The Compelling Reasons Why Sleep Apnea in Women Should Be Diagnosed

Stop Snoring

Sleep Apnea In Women

Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) happens when one snores loudly during sleep. The main symptom of OSA occurs when the soft tissue in the throat’s back relaxes, blocks the upper airway, and causes the snoring sound. Apnea is commonly seen in men and women. Since some of the health factors such as obesity, diabetes, and high blood pressure are found more in men than women, there is a perception that women do not experience apnea as frequently as men do.

While that may be partly true, plenty of women do experience snoring and apnea, while some has the risk factors that can lead to the sleep disorder. Below are 3 things, which one may not know about OSA in women. Knowing about this health condition in detail will lead you to take a sleep test and try the remedies to stop snoring and get a relief during sleep. If you feel that you have any of the symptoms that pose a risk factor apnea, consult a doctor as soon as possible, and they will suggest you the right apnea and snoring remedies.

Apnea in Women is Often Misdiagnosed

More attention has been given to the health impacts of the sleep disorder for men than in women. This is largely due to medicine, which has created a perception that apnea patients are middle-aged adults who are obese and frequently snorers. The physicians who are into apnea are trained to check symptoms such as loud snoring, breathing cessations, and daytime sleeping, since apnea has been studied more in men than in women.

As women tend to experience peculiar symptoms, the sleep disorder is often overlooked in them. That is because it is tough to diagnose apnea in women as certain conditions can be mistaken for common health concerns. They include depression, cardiac diseases, hypertension, and menopausal changes.

The Apnea Symptoms in Women Differ to Men

Obviously, a man’s body differs to that of a woman and so do some physiological and biological factors. The symptoms of apnea that differ in women as opposed to men include everything from restless leg syndrome to weight gain, which occurs during pregnancy period, and things such as anxiety.

Apnea Cause Complications during Pregnancy

Pregnancy can worsen the apnea episodes during sleep. As pregnancy can cause sleep deprivations and exhaustion, it can be tricky for doctors to tell if the symptoms are related to apnea or not. Pregnant women have to fathom things such as high blood pressure, gestational diabetes, or preeclampsia, so OSA can cause more complications to the health during the pregnancy period. For instance, pregnancy-related apnea is linked to the said conditions, preterm delivery and even low birth weight leading to intensive care for them.

3 Reasons Why Snoring Should Be Treated Early

Stop Snoring

Snoring Treatment Tips

People snore when the muscles of the throat relax during sleep, causing the airway constricted and forcing the air breathed to vibrate the soft palate in the throat. The first stage of snoring, which is classified as “simple”, does not necessarily lead to sleep apnea. However, mild snoring issue still poses the risk factors for the sleep disorder to happen.

Snoring can be classified as benign, but it is not gentle and kind. The health condition is not literally benign, and below are 3 reasons as to why it should be treated early with the right anti snoring remedies. Stop snoring mouthpiece is one such remedy used to treat mild-to-moderate apnea.

Snoring May Lead to Sleep Apnea

It is seen that if one snores during sleep, he or she has 35 percent likelihood of falling victim to Obstructive Sleep Apnea in the future. This is also a form of sleep-disordered breathing, the one that may last for a few seconds to up to an hour, making snorers wake up gasping for breath. If you have apnea, you have the same risk factors applicable to an obese person. In other words, if you do not treat it in time, you might have to undergo stroke, heart attack, or heart diseases during adulthood.

Snoring Affects Relationships

Snoring often gets portrayed in print or digital media with sarcasm or pun, but when it comes to real-life, people need to treat snoring with caution. This is not just to alleviate the uneasiness in breathing and the health risks associated with it, but also to make relationships last. After all, no one would want snoring to cause an annoyance to his or her bedmate. If a person who breathes through the mouth snores, he or she may even have bad breath. So, your daily interactions may even get hampered due to snoring, not to mention feeling sleep deprived and tired at daytime.

Snoring May Even Cause Hearing Loss

It is one thing to turn tone-deaf, and entirely different to lose the ability to hear even the tiniest of musical notes. Loud snoring ranges up to 60 to 80 decibels threshold, and it can lead to apnea, alongside the swelling of the throat tissues, cardiovascular concerns, etc. An American Thoracic Society International Conference’s study says that all these sleep disorder breathing symptoms may cause hearing impairment in the patient.

Loud Snorers May Suffer from Muscle and Nerve Damage in the Soft Palate

Snoring Remedies

Snoring And Nerve Damage

As you would probably know, snoring is a dangerous sleep disorder, and if left untreated, it can lead to serious health issues. If you are finding it really hard to sleep due to snoring related issues, it is best to get in touch with a health care provider and get medical assistance as soon as possible.

During your initial visit, the health care provider will ask you to make a few lifestyle changes and suggest a few snoring remedies, which might help you to stop snoring. If the snoring solutions suggested by the health care provider did not work out, then he/she will advise you to use an anti snoring mouthpiece. These medically proven snoring aids have helped several snorers to reduce or even stop snoring.

It is significant to note that some snorers have a misconception that their snoring will go away with the passage of time. As a result, they prefer not to undergo any treatment. This is a bad move because snoring can lead to sleep apnea and many other serious health issues.

In fact, a recent study conducted by experts in the field of medical science revealed that loud snorers and the ones who snore on regular intervals might have extensive tissue damage in the muscles and nerves of the soft palate. In addition to that, experts added that the extensive damage in muscle and nerve tissues will result in other serious sleep disorders and some snorers may even experience disturbances in their swallowing function.

One of the researchers who conducted the study said, “The nerve and muscles injuries seem to contribute to the collapse of the upper airway during sleep. Most likely, the damage results from the recurrent snoring vibrations the tissues are exposed to.”

The nerves in the soft palate of sleep apnea patients and snorers contain less number of nerve fibers and supporting cells, which plays a crucial role in the regeneration of nerve fibers. The researcher added, “Continued research is needed to see if treatment that prevents damage to nerves and muscles could cure or at least prevent further deterioration in snores and sleep apnea patients. It would be a big win because sleep apnea is a major public illness.”

Health care providers recently claimed that millions of people from all around the world suffer from sleep apnea and the numbers are expected to grow in the near future. So, if you wish to stay away from such dangerous health disorders, it is best to use snoring aids to stop snoring.

Study Shows Snoring Loudly Can Make your Skull Thinner

Snoring Remedies

Sleep Apnea Problems

A new study shows that snoring loudly can make your skull weak. It has been found that people contending with this sleep disorder have significantly less bone surrounding their brain.

One of the problems this can cause is spontaneous cerebrospinal fluid leak (sCSF-L). When the results from the study were matched by weight, age, and blood samples, it was found that people with OSA or obstructive sleep apnea had had a characteristic thinness to their skulls. Experts have said that even an erosion of as little as 1mm would be enough to trigger the potentially fatal condition of sCSF-L.

Sleep apnea is where the airways of the affected person become obstructed while they are asleep, causing them to stop breathing for as long as a few minutes, and then settle back into loud snoring. It is found to be one of the most common sleep-related breathing disorders in adults, and has links to stroke, heart attack, and premature death caused by any number of reasons. Around 22 million people in the country suffer from sleep apnea, and more than three quarters of the cases go undiagnosed.

sCSF-L happens when the dura and bone of the base of the skull are defective. This issue has no roots in trauma, tumors, or surgery. Experts who conducted the study said more research is needed to see how sleep apnea can be a cause of the skull thinning, and how the risks of sCSF-L are raised by this. They also opined that patients who exhibit skull thinning in CT scans might be more prone to contracting sleep apnea, making it important that these people go in for screening.

People who are obese are markedly more vulnerable, which is another good reason for them to try and shed a few pounds if they have the chance. The rates of sCSF-L incidence in the US have gone up by more than double in the past decade alone, and this is highly consistent with the increase in obesity cases. People with sCSF-L get a colorless, odorless discharge from the nose, which results from a hole in the tissue around the spinal cord and brain.

While the use of snoring remedies can be very helpful in alleviating a basic snoring issue, severe sleep apnea condition requires care from a sleep specialist and customized treatment to be completely cured of. Get in touch with a sleep doctor to find out your snore stop options.

How Allergies Cause Snoring and How to Avoid it

Snoring Mouth Guard

Allergies And Snoring

Allergies usually occur when people who are prone to it breathe airborne allergens, which aggravate and swell nasal airway passages. It does not happen in all kinds of people, but in those having an immune system that is not strong enough to resist airborne particles such as dust, pet dander, or food contaminants.

If allergies kick in, the immune system sees it as hazardous for the body and sends signals to the lung cells, nose cells, and mouth cells for releasing histamines. The said chemical compound boosts blood circulation in areas that are affected by allergens, thus leading to swelling. So, if you get affected by any of the allergens, histamines would cause the thin walls in the nose to create more mucus than before its releasing.

Of course, there is some amount of mucus in the nose, but excessive mucus would cause a stuffy nose and may affect the normal airflow. The substance that is secreted by mucous membranes may irritate a person’s upper throat airway causing swelling and partial or full obstruction in breathing through the airways.

Allergies that Cause Snoring

Snoring occurs due to lack of free flowing air via the nose as well as throat while sleeping. When breathing during sleep, air rushes past through upper throat tissues, which would vibrate with the surface of the mouth, in turn, producing the snoring sound.

Other than the aforementioned snoring causes, there are more allergies that may cause the health condition including allergies that occur during fall or springtime, allergies from certain food items, medicines, etc. Symptoms that are linked to snoring due to allergies include swelling of the tongue or throat, excess forming of mucus, swelling of mentioned airways, wheezing, coughing, difficulty breathing, etc. When mucus accumulates excessively in the upper airways, it may lead to a condition named post-nasal drip as well.

To clear allergens, you should keep the surroundings of the bedroom clean. For that, turn on the humidifier 15 to 30 minutes prior to bedtime and keep the humidity at the time between forty to fifty percent. This right use of humidifier would provide an adequate amount of moisture in the surrounding air. This moisture can help to clear airway obstructions and alleviate snoring. Note that it is also important to keep the humidifier in a fresh condition for that. Alternatively, you can also use a nasal spray to clear the mucus formed.

Oropharyngeal Exercises for Alleviating Breathing Issues during Sleep

Sleep Apnea Mouthpiece

Oropharyngeal And Sleep Apnea

Oropharyngeal refers to an area of the throat to the back of the mouth, comprising of the uvula, tonsils, soft tissues, and back of the tongue. Doing an oropharyngeal exercise can help to alleviate disordered breathing conditions during sleep such as snoring and apnea. Such exercises will strengthen the throat muscles and can avoid it from collapsing while you sleep.

The purpose of an oropharyngeal exercise is to improve the muscle tone associated with the opening of the upper airway, which comprises of the jaw, throat muscles, and tongue palates. If the root cause of your snoring and other breathing issues during sleep is a receding tongue, the exercise meant to strengthen the tongue and its nearby muscles would help greatly in alleviating the condition.

In case you breathe through an open mouth during sleep and snoring occurs due to that, it is worth considering using oral appliances such as a sleep apnea mouthpiece that trains you to sleep with the mouth closed. The prime intention of such snoring remedies is to open the airway for a free flow of air during sleep and cure the health issue without any side effects. The same goes true for oropharyngeal exercises that are meant to reduce apnea episodes during sleep.

Some of such throat and mouth exercises even have the backing of clinical studies just as it is with a proven anti snoring mouthpiece or any other snoring remedy that works on improving the structure of the airway. It is believed that an instrument such as the didgeridoo was used to improve the same in the past, and oropharyngeal exercises were invented as an advanced form of speech therapy that could cure mild to moderate sleep apnea.

Such exercises for breathing disorders during sleep can as easy as putting the tongue’s tip on the surface of the mouth and sliding it backward or opening the mouth to its full and ensuring that your lips meet while closing the mouth. To get the desired results of an oropharyngeal exercise, a snorer should practice the same several times throughout a day or at least for a total of half an hour in intervals of 3 minutes or so. Even singing the vowel sounds with an open throat is a form of such exercises.