An Overview of Snoring – Its Causes and Cures

Snoring is a very common health issue that affects both the genders irrespective of the age. It is the noise caused by the vibrations of the soft tissues inside the mouth during sleep. Recent reports say that the problem of snoring affects about 90 million adults in the United States alone, out of which, around 37 million are regular snorers.

Snoring can happen intermittently or daily and can be triggered by a lot of factors. Moreover, studies show that overweight males are at a higher risk of snoring, and even though the health issue is not constrained to gender, women do not fall prey to snoring that often as men do.

Regardless, the problem can become more serious with age, causing disruptions in the sleep of the snorer as well as his or her partner. Snoring can result in fragmented sleep that can lead to sleepiness and tiredness the next day. Physicians say that the common adverse effects casually linked with snoring are heart problems and poor daytime functions.

The Health Risks Related to Snoring

Experts claim that most of the loud snorers suffer from sleep apnea, which is a sleep disorder in which breathing is repeatedly interrupted for brief durations of time during sleep. The word “apnea” refers to pauses in breathing that lasts for a minimum of ten seconds. However, studies show that it is possible to have sleep apnea without snoring as well; but that usually occurs in children and can be difficult to diagnose without the help of a physician.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) in adults can be categorized by loud and frequent snoring, and it will usually result in interrupted and uneven sleep, which in turn can lead to low oxygen levels in the blood. The combination of disturbed sleep and low levels of oxygen can lead to heart problems, hypertension, memory, and mood issues to people suffering from sleep apnea.

Now you might have understood the importance of finding snoring aids that can help you cure the problem of snoring. However, to find the perfect snoring mouth guard or other snoring solutions, you will need to understand the exact cause of your snoring problem.

What Causes Snoring

During sleep, the muscles of your throat will relax and fall on the airway. In addition, the tongue will also fall back to make the throat region floppy and narrow, which in turn obstructs the normal flow of air during sleep. The soft tissues in the throat region will start to vibrate with the forced flow of air. This usually happens when you breathe in, and to a lesser extent while you breathe out. The vibration of the soft tissues is what we hear as the snoring sound.

The narrower the airways, the greater will be the snoring sound. In some of the cases, the throat walls can collapse completely, blocking the airway, and leading to a cessation of breathing or apnea. However, there are many factors, which can lead to the problem of snoring, and the actual reason can be determined only after proper diagnosis.

The most common factor that leads to snoring is the normal aging process. The throat muscles will relax with age and that can lead to snoring. Besides, anatomical issues in the nose and throat region, such as nasal polyps, enlarged adenoids, and tonsils, or a deviated septum can also lead to the narrowing of airways and trigger snoring issues.

Functional abnormalities like throat or nose inflammation due to allergies or infections can also lead to snoring, where the improper alignment of the jaw and a thickened tongue can also be contributing factors behind the issue. Obesity is another cause of snoring as overweight people can have a lot of fatty tissues around the throat and neck region, which narrows the airway to lead to snoring.

An added factor that can lead to snoring is the sleep position. When you sleep on your back, the muscles of the throat can easily collapse into the airway, making you snore. Apart from that, lifestyle habits such as alcohol consumption in the evening and smoking are also related to aggravating snoring issues.

How to Cure Snoring

As said, excessive snoring can be a symptom of sleep apnea. Therefore, it is better to consult with a doctor and invest in one of the best snoring aids available in the market to counter the condition. Consult with a sleep specialist immediately if you are experiencing any of the following symptoms.

  • Headaches in the morning
  • Recent weight gain
  • Excessive sleepiness in the morning
  • Waking up in the middle of the night feeling confused and exhausted
  • Changes in the level of concentration, attention, or memory
  • Waking up in the morning not feeling rested
  • Pauses in breathing while sleeping

Most of the snorers will be unaware of their problem and so they need to rely on the observation of their bed partner. If you have any of the symptoms listed above, or have been told that your snoring is disturbing your bedmate, you need to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Your doctor would analyze your medical history and examine you physically to find out if you need a consultation with a sleep specialist, before suggesting any snoring aids. If your symptoms indicate heavy snoring, the sleep specialist would conduct a few tests to find out whether you suffer from sleep apnea and recommend trying different snoring aids to improve the quality of your sleep.

Depending upon the results of your sleep study, you will have the following options to treat the snoring problem.

  • Modifications in lifestyle – This includes tackling with the risk factors discussed above together with sleep position training and treatment of allergies if necessary.
  • Appliances – There are many appliances available in the market, like an anti snoring mouth guard, which can help you control snoring. Experts say that a snoring mouth guard can cure most of the instances of snoring. There are also snoring aids like chinstraps and nasal dilators that can help in controlling mild snoring episodes.
  • CPAP – A Continuous Positive Airway Pressure mask is like a snoring mouth guard on a machine that is used to blow air into the back of the throat to prevent the walls and muscles from collapsing. CPAP machines are mainly used in cases of sleep apnea.
  • Surgery – Surgery is the last option to treat the health issue, and is recommended when all the other snoring aids fail to provide any relief. Usually, using a snoring mouth guard regularly curtails the issue and evades the need for any surgical procedures.

What is Infantile Apnea?

Apnea Chin Strap

Infantile Apnea 

The term “apnea” generally denotes a blockage in spontaneous breathing. Simply put, people with this stop breathing and wake up struggling for breath. You would know of this happening in a huge number of adults in the country, but it also occurs in infants. Infantile apnea occurs in children who are under on year in age. It is often the result of a neurological issue damaging the respiratory rhythm. The symptoms include breathing stoppage while the child is asleep, skin discoloration, and even a slowed heartbeat. This could even prove fatal.


Infantile apnea has temporary cessation of normal breathing as its main symptom. Other than that, the child may develop cyanosis (bluish discoloration of the lips, mouth, and skin), or bradycardia (unusually slow heartbeat). The aforesaid cessation can last up to 15 seconds in each episode.

Sleep apnea in infants can manifest in many forms. To better understand respiration, one must understand that respiration owes its regulation to a specific bunch of nerves in the brain. These are what control cadence of breathing relative to fluctuating blood oxygen levels. Children with central apnea have a low respiratory drive, and when apnea hits, they make no chest movements, nor do they have air passing through the nose or mouth. Here, the brain fails to adequately signal the lungs and diaphragm to move as they should. Breathing stops off, and only resumes when the oxygen-deprived brain is able to relay the proper messages.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea is different, in that it results from the airway getting blocked and complicating breathing. The blockage in this type of apnea can be from a range of reasons, such as soft tissue in the throat collapsing. The child’s chest moves, but air does not flow to the lungs. When the infant finally does resume breathing, he or she typically makes a snorting noise and wakes up. Here, breathing does not stop per se; the infant simply struggles to draw breath spontaneously.


Infantile apnea has no exact known causes. It can happen as the result of a mix of developmental and environmental factors. In some very rare cases, it can be hereditary, which means more than one family member runs the risk of having apnea episodes.

Infantile apnea can happen from many causes. Prematurely born babies can experience apnea episodes. Other causes, such as Sepsis, Hypoglycemia, Hyaline Membrane Disease, Arnold Chiari Syndrome, Meningitis, enlarged adenoids, Down’s Syndrome, gastro esophageal reflux, anemia, Zellwenger Syndrome, craniofacial abnormalities, Alpers Syndrome, Holoprosencephaly, chromosomal abnormalities, Schinzel-Giedion Syndrome, and intracranial hemorrhage, need to be ruled out as well. Some of these are rare diseases, requiring skilled specialists to treat.

Related Disorders

Infantile apnea is seen to affect males and females equally commonly, and occurs in children under a year of age. Infants born prematurely have a tendency to suffer from what is known as apnea of prematurity.

The symptoms of some disorders are the same as those of infantile apnea, which is accurate diagnosis requires comparisons. SIDS or Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, where a young child or infant does unexpectedly, involves the child not breathing at a time when he or she is supposed to be asleep. However, SIDS and apnea have no established common base.

Standard Therapies

Sleep Apnea

Standard Therapies

It is possible to hold back the more severe complications, which could arise from infantile apnea, by setting up cardiac monitors and home apnea monitors to alert caregivers or parents when something goes awry. It goes without saying that these devices should only be bought following the advisement of a physician, and that safety and effectiveness should be given top priority. Sometimes, drugs may need to be administered in order to stimulate the child’s flailing respiratory system. Parents would do well to learn basic lifesaving techniques like CPR. The infant must be kept from overheating, so as to minimize chances of apnea. He or she should lie supine during sleep, assuming there is no Obstructive Sleep Apnea or gastro esophageal reflux.

If the symptoms worsen, medication intake may be the only way out, with or without oxygen supplied to the child. Children with Obstructive Sleep Apnea can benefit from the use of a CPAP machine, which helps regulate their breathing. This comprises a mask placed on the nose and connected to a machine, which forces out low-pressure air towards the child’s lungs. All said, it is a low safer than wearing an apnea chin strap in one’s sleep.

Investigational Therapies

Many ongoing studies are being aimed at figuring out new ways to treat infantile apnea. New drugs such as primidone are being studied to see if they can help cure infants resistant to theophylline. Much deeper research may be needed to know exactly how safe and effective such drugs can be in this area. There is constant US government funding for such efforts, as well as support from the private industry.

Things you May Not Know about Snoring in Women

Snore Guard

Snoring Issues In Women

Snoring is an annoying and dangerous sleeping disorder that affects millions of individuals all over the globe. Earlier, people used to believe that the sleeping disorder only affects men. Yet the reality is that snoring is common in both men and women, and irrespective of age too. So, if you assumed that snoring is an exclusive male health issue, then you are wrong.

It was presumed in the old days that snoring is commonly reported in men who are above the age of 35. However, studies conducted by sleep analysts and health care providers proved that teens, adults, seniors, and even kids, are all at risk of falling prey to snoring.

Recent researches also revealed that women of all ages might suffer from snoring. In accordance to that, an expert sleep analyst said, “Snoring is produced by vibrations of the soft tissues at the back of the nose and throat. The noise is created by turbulent flow of air through narrowed air passages.” Apparently, that can happen to anyone of any age and gender.

The sleep analyst also added that, “Snoring is not a risk to life but it can get serious when the same soft tissues block the air passages at the back of the throat interfering with the ability to breathe; it becomes risky as it happens while the person is sleeping and also affects the health.”

It is noted that women who suffer from snoring and other sleep disorders are often a little bit hesitant to seek help due to embarrassment. This is not a good move though, as sleep disorders like snoring could lead to many other serious health issues gradually. So, if you are suffering from any sort of sleeping disorder or if you snore regularly, then it best to reach out to a health care provider to get adequate medical assistance as soon as possible.

Sleep specialists say that snoring in women is usually caused due to menopause, pregnancy, and weight gain. However, several other factors like heredity, medication, nasal passage blockage, and cold nose might also lead to snoring issues. Below are a few major culprits that cause snoring in women.


Expert health care providers and sleep analysts claim that the change that happens to the body of a woman throughout her life is enough to make her snore. The muscle tone in the throat of women gets considerably reduced when they reach the menopause stage. This in turn makes them prone to different types of sleep disorders, including snoring and sleep apnea.


Some women may start to snore loudly or regularly during their pregnancy period. This is due to the expansion of the blood vessels in their body at that time. In addition to that, the weight gain that happens during pregnancy also contributes to the condition of snoring.


Stop Snoring

Snoring Related Issues

Women who are obese or overweight snore more when compared to those who are not obese. The loud sound made by obese women might even prevent their partners from enjoying a good night’s sleep. According to sleep analysts, “If one gains weight considerably then snoring can be a side-effect. Extra weight means extra fatty tissues and the fatty tissues obstruct the opening in the throat, leading to ‘high vibrations’ or snoring.”


It might come as a surprise to many people when they hear the fact that snoring might also be due to heredity. Ancestors may pass down the sleeping disorder to their kids and even grandkids. Expert sleep specialists say, “It is fascinating but if we have a family history of people with smaller throat opening, then the future generations will most likely have smaller throats too.”

Heavy Medication

Another interesting thing to note is that the use of sleeping pills and heavy medication will also result in snoring. Sleep analysts and researchers say that, “Yes, sleeping pills help a person to sleep but the ones sleeping nearby lose sleep. Sleeping pills and other cough medicines relax the body’s muscles and lead to snoring.”

Nasal Passage Blockage

Just like in men, a cocked bone or a blocked nasal passage is another common factor that could trigger snoring in women. Health care providers say that, “Crooked nose bone in medical language is the deviated septum, which can cause snoring. Such cases should be consulted with the doctor.”

Other Causes

Another interesting thing to note is that the consumption of alcohol just a few hours before going to bed and regular smoking might also trigger snoring in women, just as they do in men. The good news here though is that you will be able to curtail the snoring issue to an extent by quitting smoking and avoiding alcohol before bedtime. Your health care provider may even ask you to invest in an anti-snoring mouthpiece to stop snoring.

The Link between Sleep Apnea and Type 2 Diabetes

Snoring Aids

Dangerous Sleeping Disorders

Individuals who are suffering from Type 2 diabetes should realize the fact that they are a greater risk of developing a dangerous sleeping disorder, known as sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a condition in which people experience regular pauses in their breathing patterns when they are asleep. In most cases, the breathing of sleep apnea patients gets disrupted for around a minute, but it can be more than one minute in some cases.

A recent study conducted by sleep analysts and experts in the field of medical science revealed that people who with Type 2 diabetes have a greater chance of developing sleep apnea at some point in their lives. The Director of the Diabetes Translational Research Center at the Indiana University School of Medicine in Indianapolis and the President of healthcare and education at the American Diabetes Association, David Marrero, Ph.D., shared a few valuable points on the connection between Type 2 diabetes and sleep apnea.

He said that people who have fallen prey to sleep apnea should understand that the sleeping disorder would not just worsen diabetes, but also lead to many other serious health conditions such as cardiac problems, high blood pressure, and even stroke. Dr. Marrero said, “Untreated sleep apnea is associated with increases in glucose and poor quality of life stemming from chronic fatigue. It’s also associated with cardiovascular disease, which is why it’s so important for people to get their sleep apnea diagnosed and treated.”

Another interesting thing to note is that Type 2 diabetes and sleep apnea often coexist in some people due to shared risk factors including obesity. As per the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, the level of glucose control in untreated sleep apnea patients will be poor. So, if you or your partner is suffering from sleep apnea, get in touch with a healthcare provider to get proper medical assistance as soon as possible.

The Risks of Sleep Apnea

As mentioned, sleep apnea is characterized by pauses in breathing when you are asleep. These breathing pauses or episodes, which are called as apneas, might wake up the person, as he/she is gasping for breath. This will lead to chronic tiredness and poor sleep, which will gradually affect your performance at school or office. Moreover, you will fall sleepy throughout the day, which increases the chances of accidents.

OSA or Obstructive Sleep Apnea is the most common type of sleep apnea. The airways of individuals who are suffering from OSA will be very weak and will collapse during sleep to block free flow of air. Some of the commonly reported symptoms of OSA are loud snoring, morning headaches, daytime sleepiness, mood changes, and reduced libido.

Stop Snoring

Snoring Related Issues

A recent survey conducted by the National Sleep Foundation identified that more than 18 million people in the United States suffer from sleep apnea. The survey also pointed out the fact that thousands of such cases go undiagnosed, as people are not seeking help for their sleeping disorders. According to Dr. Marrero, this is because “many people aren’t aware that they’re struggling to breathe at night. Unless you recognize your symptoms, you can go for years without knowing you have it.”

The Link between Sleep Apnea and Type 2 Diabetes

Dr. Marrero said that the culprit behind sleep apnea and how it links to Type 2 diabetes actually has a lot to do with obesity. Several people who are suffering from Type 2 diabetes are insulin resistant, obese, and they usually have large deposits of visceral fat in their body. This extra weight forces the tissues in the throat and neck of such patients to fall during sleep, which in turn blocks the airway.

As per Dr. Marrero, sleep apnea may also considerably increase the blood sugar level in patients due to the stress associated with abrupt awakenings when they are asleep and chronic sleep deprivation. He said, “When you get stressed, your body releases stress hormones that can do things like release stored glucose into your liver.” He also stated that the rise in blood sugar levels of patients might also lead to insulin resistance.

Treating Sleep Apnea

Another study conducted by expert healthcare providers revealed that sleep apnea episodes, which happen during the REM or rapid eye movement, had relatively more detrimental effects on the long-term blood sugar control of patients. However, the good news is that studies have also found that wearing an anti-snoring mouthpiece for approximately 8 hours will considerably reduce the chances of diabetes and it will improve the blood sugar levels in your body.

If your snoring or sleep apnea related issues are not that severe, then making a few lifestyle changes and avoiding alcohol at least a few hours before going to sleep will help you to reduce or stop snoring. However, it is best to seek the help of an experienced healthcare provider to find out the right treatment plan for you.

The Distinctions between an Oral Appliance and Snore Guard Therapy

Snore Guard

Snore Guard Therapy

Oral appliance therapy is one of the non-invasive ways to treat mild to moderate cases of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), the sleep disorder characterized by loud snoring. Usually, Continuous Positive Airway Therapy (CPAP) is used to treat severe cases of OSA. However, not everybody can tolerate CPAP or may not be comfortable putting on CPAP masks and/or listening to machine sounds. Besides, when its mask leaks air, it leaves the patient with a dry mouth, so some apnea patients tend to quit the therapy due to that too.

Oral appliances, although used to treat mild to moderate apnea, can also be used in combination with CPAP in order to treat severe cases of the sleep disorder. Commonly, such kind of medical approach is called a combination therapy.

Oral appliances in the market may resemble anti-snore devices, but it is important to keep in mind that oral appliance therapy differs to snore guard therapy when it comes to treating sleep-disordered breathing conditions like snoring, upper airway resistance syndrome, and OSA.

Both a snore guard and a dental appliance work on a similar principle though, that is, to advance the mandible or lower jaw to create more breathing space in the airway. This is what brings a better flow of air during sleep. Another type of oral appliance retains people’s tongue via a suction device worn at the mouth’s front, but it is rarely prescribed.

A snore guard is usually used to treat the breathing disorders in sleep such as snoring. Note that not all anti-snore guards in the market are approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), but some are. In fact, the FDA-approved ones can be very effective when it comes to alleviating snoring and putting an end to its side effects.

A dentist, who is trained in sleep medicine, will have access to the best snore guards. They use it as a therapeutic approach to treat snoring. Similarly, when discussing an oral appliance’s use with a sleep specialist, you can be sure that they will prescribe FDA-approved stop snoring devices. As for those over-the-counter oral appliances that do not come with the federal agency’s approval, they get withdrawn from the market sooner or later. This is because such dental devices fail to provide the proper therapy that sleep apnea patients need.

Both snore guards and oral appliances are usually made up of sturdy and hygienic raw materials, which are safe for use in people’s oral cavity. Since snorers and apnea patients tend to grind their teeth and clench jaws, an anti-snoring device is subject to wear and tear. Therefore, it is important to invest in durable devices.

A snore guard is typically easier to make, with fewer moving components. Some devices are prefabricated ones and may not provide a custom-fit. If a device is clinically approved and is customizable, it is relatively safe to use it to treat snoring. Still, it may not be built durable enough to maintain greater jaw advancement, which can be required to treat apnea.

Stop Snoring

Snoring Related Issues

An oral appliance is usually more durable than an anti-snore guard is. It is typically built to advance one’s jawbone with a hinge mechanism, offering support. It often uses a mechanism to titrate or adjust the jaw advancement level to make sure the ideal fit for the user and effective treatment. Such kinds of mechanism can be an adjusting key or a latex band to hold the appliance in place. This adjustability makes it possible to even test an oral appliance’s effectiveness in a sleep center’s laboratory or a controlled environment to prove the respective therapy is working.

Snore guards do not necessitate several moving parts, so they are not as complicated to make as oral appliances. A close observation in a sleep center by dentists with sleep medicine expertise or sleep specialists may be required if you are using an oral appliance, but not so if you are using the over-the-counter device to treat apnea. Due to that, it is more affordable to buy the anti-snore guard as opposed to a dental or tongue retaining appliance prescribed to treat it.

Nowadays, insurance companies are realizing the advantages of an oral appliance to curb the sleep disorder, irrespective of its severity. They wisely offer medical plans with reimbursements in order to cover oral appliances as a first-line approach to treat sleep apnea. So such insurance plans will often cover frequent medical visits to fit a device, maintain it, and test it for therapeutic effectiveness.

Positive results for treatments are now the most important aspect for doctors, patients, and insurance payers. Treating apnea in a patient-centered environment is also no different. In case an apnea patient cannot keep on with the commonly prescribed Continuous Positive Airway Therapy, the oral appliance therapy option could be the one to treat the condition. Yet again, it is important to ensure patients work with medical professionals to get the right diagnosis and FDA-approved devices for their particular health concerns.

The Vicious Cycle of Obesity and Snoring

Chin Strap For Snoring

Snoring Related Issues

Prof. Peter Cistulli, who is one of the most renowned sleep experts in the world, recently stated in an interview that more and more individuals are falling prey to sleep disorders such as snoring and sleep apnea. He believes that the sudden increase in the rate of these sleeping disorders is due to the global obesity epidemic.

Of course, obesity is one of the most severe health issues in the country today and the percentage of obese people in the country has considerably increased in the recent years. Another important thing to note is that people who are obese might develop heart diseases, cancer, diabetes, and other health disorders, and not just snoring and sleep apnea.

The Risk Associated with Sleeping Disorders

Prof. Cistulli said that one out of every five couples all over the world is forced to sleep apart due to the irritating and disturbing snoring sound made by either of the partners. If your bedmate is a loud or regular snorer, then you will surely find it extremely hard to enjoy a good night’s sleep. This will surely affect your work productivity because you will feel sleepy during the daytime.

The good news is that you will be able to avoid such hassles and issues by asking your partner to seek medical assistance from an expert sleep analyst or health care provider. If your partner is obese, then the health care provider will probably ask him/her to reduce weight by engaging in activities such as running and jogging.

On the other hand, if your partner is not obese, then he/she will be advised to make a few lifestyle changes and cut down dairy products from the diet. The health care provider might even ask them to stop smoking and to avoid drinking alcohol at least a few hours before going to the bed. If none of these methods work, then your partner will have to use a chin strap for snoring. This will surely help them to reduce or stop snoring.

The Extent of Sleep Disorders

Sleeping disorders like snoring and sleep apnea were once considered as disorders that commonly affect middle-aged men. However, recent studies and surveys conducted by experts in the field of medical science reveal that snoring affects approximately 50 percent of adult men whereas the condition of sleep apnea is found in 25 percent adults.

Another important thing you need to realize is that both sleep apnea and snoring are often linked to chronic health issues such as dementia, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and even cancer. According to Prof. Cistulli, “In some ways, sleep apnea could be a missing link in our understanding of lots of chronic diseases that were previously unrecognized, or under-recognized – that is feeding into the development of these diseases.”

How Does Being Obese Make you Snore

Sleep Apnea

Anti Snoring Remedies

It is significant to realize the fact that the excess fat in the body of obese or overweight people does not just accumulate on their thighs or tummy. The excess fat in our body can get accumulated around the neck, jawline, and even on the face. The presence of excess fat around the neck will constrict the upper airway passages, especially when you are lying down, which in turn blocks the normal breathing cycle, and increases the risk of snoring.

In addition to that, the excess fat in your chest and middle areas of your body will put extra weight on the throat and lungs when you are lying down. This will also obstruct the airway passages and trigger the irritating and disturbing snoring sound when you are sleeping. However, if obesity is the major culprit behind your snoring issues, then you will be easily able to solve the issue by shedding a few pounds.

Snoring Remedies for Obese People

You might have probably heard about special weight loss diets and exercises to reduce weight from your family members, partner, or friends. You might probably find it very confusing and hard to figure out a diet that suits you. If that is the case, then simply follow the below regime.

  • Switch to a low carbohydrate diet
  • Eat dinner at least a couple of hours before going to bed
  • Avoid big meals and try to eat little

There are plenty of snoring remedies out there but it is best to consult with your health care provider before adopting any such technique. The medical expert will give you a clear idea on what snoring remedies are right for you and what actually works.

In most cases, regular and loud snorers are advised to wear anti snoring mouthpieces. These medically proven devices will bring your jaw forward while you are asleep, which will in turn prevent your tongue from falling back and causing obstruction in the airways. However, obese individuals are always advised to reduce weight for better results.

What to Do if you Feel Sleepy during the Daytime

Mouthpiece For Sleep Apnea

Snoring Related Issues

Snoring can sometimes be a symptom of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), a serious sleep disorder that takes a toll on the physical as well as mental well being of the affected person. People who snore loudly at night feel sleepy during the day, but a sleep study is necessary to confirm whether a snorer suffers from OSA.

Sleep study for OSA involves monitoring one’s breathing patterns, blood levels and oxygen levels. This is generally done with the use of a specialized equipment on a subject in the assumption that he or she who feels sleepy during the daytime has OSA. If the study reveals the person subjected to it has the sleep disorder, then various snoring remedies are tried to improve his or her sleep quality.

A remedy or a combination of remedies for Obstructive Sleep Apnea is recommended to a person only based on the study’s results or severity of the sleep disorder. The main treatment option for mild to moderate apnea is an oral appliance. The type of oral device could also be helpful in dealing with the underlying reason behind snoring and sleep apnea.

For instance, if you were snoring due to a receding lower jaw or partial breathing obstructions in the upper throat, then a mouthpiece for sleep apnea will work to free the airway and allow proper breathing during the nighttime. Such a Mandibular Advancement Device (MAD), as it is technically known, is a clinically proven and non-invasive remedy for snoring, which sleep specialists recommend for mild to moderate apnea too.

To bring about better results in the oral appliance therapy, doctors may also suggest conservative treatment options like sleeping on the sides, reducing weight, avoiding alcohol before a few hours of bedtime, and any other lifestyle changes. Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) therapy can be helpful too but it is usually used to treat more severe cases of OSA. In other words, that is recommended for people who snore loudly as an apnea symptom.

Sometimes, a combination of MAD and CPAP is also used to treat the sleep disorder. However, not all people who snore suffer from OSA. Besides, there could be other reasons for feeling drowsy at an inappropriate time of the day as well. In fact, it all starts with proper diagnosis, so if you feel sleepy and drowsy during the daytime very often, consult with a sleep specialist as soon as possible to figure out what is causing it, and how to deal with it.

Four Hidden Dangers of Sleep Apnea

Snoring Aids

Dangers of Sleep Apnea

Snoring is one of the most common sleeping disorders and this condition affects millions of people. However, several people have a misconception that their snoring issues will get resolved on its own. It is true that snoring can be mild, but in some cases, this sleeping disorder is associated with many other serious health conditions.

It is significant to note that most people who are suffering from snoring consider this sleeping disorder to be an embarrassing and annoying condition. This is because snoring does not just affect the patient but it also the ones sleeping next to the affected person. As a result, they are a little bit hesitant to approach a health care provider. This is not a good move though, as snoring may result in serious health complications if left untreated for long.

If your snoring is due to smoking, alcohol consumption, or obesity, then you will be able to reduce or stop snoring by making a few simple lifestyle changes. Yet if that does not work, then you will need to invest in effective anti snoring solutions to stop snoring that can help to resolve the snoring issue within a few months or even weeks.

On the other hand, if the condition of sleep apnea is the major culprit behind your snoring issues, then it is a sign of serious health problems. This considerably increases your chances of falling prey to diabetes, lung diseases, and heart problems. Individuals who are suffering from OSA or Obstructive Sleep Apnea will experience restricted or obstructed breathing when they are asleep. This sleeping disorder will repeatedly deprive you of breath for 10 seconds or more during a single sleeping cycle. Even that is not it – there are many other major complications of Obstructive Sleep Apnea too.

High Blood Pressure

If you are a person who is dealing with high blood pressure issues then sleep apnea will make it worse. Your body will get stressed when you wake up repeatedly during the night due to shortage of breath. This will elevate the blood pressure levels in your body. In addition to that, the amount of oxygen in your body will also get reduced when you are unable to breathe properly during the night. This will further trigger a number of dangerous health issues.

Heart Diseases

Snoring Solutions

Snoring Related Issues

A recent study conducted by experts in the field of medical science revealed that individuals who are suffering from OSA are at a greater risk of heart diseases. This might be due to the lower oxygen levels in the body of the patient or because of the stress that the patient experiences as a result of sleep deprivation. Another thing to note here is that the condition of sleep apnea also disrupts the way in which your body absorbs oxygen. This will in turn make it a lot harder for the brain to control the blood flows in the arteries.

Type 2 Diabetes

People with Type 2 diabetes are also at a greater risk of developing sleep apnea. In fact, several surveys have established that the condition of sleep apnea is common in approximately 80 percent of people who are suffering from Type 2 diabetes. It is significant to note that obesity raises the risk of both Type 2 diabetes and sleep apnea. However, the good news is that shedding a few pounds and making a few lifestyle changes will help you to stay away from both these diseases to a certain extent.

Weight Gain

Several people are not aware that gaining a few extra pounds may significantly increase their chances of developing sleep apnea. In addition to that, people who have gained weight might also find it a bit hard to lower the risk of sleep apnea. If you are overweight or obese, you will have large amounts of fatty acid deposits in your neck, which in turn blocks your breathing at night. Apart from that, the amount of ghrelin hormone present in people with sleep apnea will always be higher. This in turn makes them crave for sweets and carbs. In most cases, we will not be able to transform the food we eat into energy, which in turn leads to weight gain.

In addition to these health conditions, individuals who are suffering from sleep apnea may also develop acid reflux and asthma if the sleep disorder is left untreated for long. Apart from that, you will always feel tired and sleepy in the morning, as you will be unable to enjoy a good night’s sleep. So it is better to consult with a sleep specialist as soon as you notice any symptoms related to OSA and treat the sleep health problem in due time.

How Snoring Affects Sleep Partners and How to Control it

Stop Snoring

Snoring Related Issues

Snoring occurs due to obstructions in the upper throat, especially when the lower jaw collapses or the tongue falls back blocking the airway. This leads to a vibration of tissues that occurs when the breathed air rushes past the throat portion.

Snoring is mild in its earlier stages, but when it becomes loud, it affects even bedmate of a snorer. Usually, people who snore do not know they have it. Even those who snore loudly perhaps do not realize the extent of it. That is when the role of a sleep partner becomes all the more important. Loud snoring can cause sleep disturbance to a bedmate and could even lead to hearing loss. So when it becomes loud, you actually have to find ways to reduce the noise level in your bedroom.

Depending on your requirement, you could try any of these things or a combination of any of them to achieve that, and sleep comfortably. Remember, sleeping apart is the last option.

Create White Noise

Several compact devices called white noise machines creates a low background noise, which can help to soften other sounds in a room. There are white noise fans too, which helps in masking the snoring sound. This way you can turn your attention away from your snoring partner.

Use Earplugs

These affordable and simple-to-use devices go a long way in improving your sleep quality, since they can effectively block out the surrounding noise. Make sure to look for a pair of earplugs that are comfortable to wear and fit well, so that they will not fall off even if you move on your bed.

Try Relaxation Exercises

Focus on breathing deep and other techniques for relaxation and meditation. These things are worth a try, as they can help you to calm down, relax, and get a relatively better sleep. Try them just before going to sleep so that you can reap maximum benefits out of it.

Use a Stop Snoring Device

The best way to sleep comfortably is to make your partner stop snoring. You can use anti snoring remedies or devices for that, such as a mandibular advancement device that advances the lower jaw and clears the obstruction in the airway for a free flow of air. Yet again, it is important to diagnose the actual cause behind the snoring issue before you recommend your partner any of the anti snoring solutions.

How are OSA and Snoring Different?

Snore Guard

OSA Vs Snoring

Occasional snoring is a normal thing; you could pass out from exhaustion or go to bed with a cold and start breathing heavily, and within the hour, start snoring audibly. This is not cause for alarm, but if it gets out of hand the way it does with most Americans, you would be dealing with a nightly habit that was not just annoying, but also dangerous in the long run. Snoring can lead to many different disorders as well as mask their presence – the symptoms of the latter can often get mistaken for snore-induced fatigue.

OSA or Obstructive Sleep Apnea is one of those problems that can manage to stay hidden for a very long time. Around 20 million people in the country suffer from this, and it has been shown to have links to other health issues like heart disease, obesity, high blood pressure, and diabetes.

How are OSA and Snoring Different?

It is not uncommon for snoring and sleep apnea to be confused for one another. The main thing to remember is that not all snorers have sleep apnea, even though untreated OSA sufferers snore as a rule. Snoring is a noise caused by the type of labored breathing that causes the soft tissue at the back of the throat to vibrate. This owes to blockage in the nose, mouth, or throat, any of which can disrupt normal breathing, which can be overcome through the use of a snore guard. The following are some of the causes these blocks can be attributed to.

  • Allergies
  • Colds
  • A deviated septum
  • Alcohol
  • Airway obstructions
  • Poor muscle tone

Snoring serves as a symptom of sleep apnea, but is otherwise a distinctly different issue. Sleep apnea acts up the form of the person pausing while breaching, sometimes for as long as 10 seconds at a stretch. This disturbs good sleep and can even preclude it, consequently inviting a long list of health issues like difficulty concentrating, daytime drowsiness, anxiety, and depression.

Diagnosing OSA

It is possible by yourself to figure out whether you have OSA, but the more definitive approach is to go see a doctor. Most regular doctors would either check you themselves or recommend seeing a sleep specialist. The following would be checked.

  • Symptoms
  • Current physical health
  • Medical history
  • Sleep study results

A sleep study is an account of how your body responds when something happens while you are asleep. These record your vitals to figure out how severe the condition is, and the specialist proceeds based on the results it gives.

The Symptoms Risk Factors and Diagnosis of CSA

Chin Strap For Snoring

Sleep Apnea And CSA

Sleep apnea is one of the most common sleeping disorders that affect millions of people from all over the world. People who are suffering from this condition will not be able to enjoy a good night’s sleep because their breathing will get automatically stopped when they are asleep. A series of repeated pauses, known as apneic events, is responsible for the sudden stoppage of breathing in the case of sleep apnea patients.

Sleep apnea can be divided into three categories: complex or mixed sleep apnea, central sleep apnea, and obstructive sleep apnea. Obstructive sleep apnea is the most common form of sleep apnea and it usually occurs when the muscles in your throat relax due to snoring or other related issues.

Central sleep apnea is other commonly seen disorder that occurs when your brain does not send the right signals to the muscles, which control breathing. On the other hand, mixed or complex sleep apnea is a combination of both central and obstructive sleep apnea but they are not that common.

The condition of sleep apnea can bring serious health disorders and diseases to the patient if left untreated. For instance, people who are suffering from sleep apnea are at a greater risk of heart diseases, diabetes, obesity, stroke, and more. In addition to that, some people with sleep apnea also fall asleep during the daytime, as they are unable to sleep at night. This in turn increases the chance of accidents while driving.

Central Sleep Apnea

Stop Snoring

Central Sleep Apnea

The condition of central sleep apnea is very much different from obstructive sleep apnea. In the case of CSA, the breathing of patients is disrupted when they are asleep due to the way in which their brain functions. This is because the brain will not send signals to your muscles that are responsible for breathing.

This type of central sleep apnea is typically several serious illnesses. The lower brainstem of patients who are suffering from central sleep apnea will not function smoothly. The pause in breathing due to central sleep apnea may last for about 20 seconds in just infants.

The Risk of CSA

The condition of central sleep apnea is reported to be a lot more common in older adults, particularly the ones who are above the age of 65. These people suffer from CSA because of their other medical conditions and due to their sleeping patterns. Another important point to remember is that men are at a greater risk of central and obstructive sleep apnea than women.

It is true that being overweight is considered as a risk factor for obstructive sleep apnea by both sleep analysts and health care providers. However, several experts in the field of medical science claim that being obese is not a risk factor when it comes to central sleep apnea.

Central sleep apnea is generally associated with a number of health conditions and disorders. However, one particular form of CSA is not associated with any diseases and its cause is still unknown to healthcare providers. Some of the most common conditions that are associated with central sleep apnea are the following.

  • Neurological diseases like Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, and Parkinson’s disease.
  • Kidney failure
  • Hypothyroid diseases
  • Congestive heart failure
  • Brainstem damage due to stroke, injury, or encephalitis

Symptoms of CSA

Diagnosing CSA

Blood Oxygen Levels

Even though snoring is one of the mainly reported symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea, it is usually not present in individuals who are suffering from central sleep apnea. However, sudden and short stoppages of breathing when you are asleep are common in patients with both OSA and CSA. Some of the lesser-known symptoms of central sleep apnea are as follows.

  • Mood swings
  • Difficulty to concentrate and poor memory
  • Headaches in the morning
  • Waking up at regular intervals at night
  • Feeling tired during the daytime

Diagnosing CSA

If you have any of the above-mentioned symptoms or if you are unable to sleep properly at night due to snoring or other sleeping disorders, it is best to get in touch with a health care provider as soon as possible. The health care provider will initially assess your medical history and run a few tests to see if you are suffering from any form of sleep apnea or not.

In some cases, health care providers may also ask you to undergo an overnight sleep study, which is known as polysomnogram. This test is usually performed under the supervision of expert technologists or sleep analysts. During the test, the healthcare provider will monitor the following body functions of your body.

  • Blood oxygen levels
  • Airflow
  • Breathing patterns
  • Heart rate
  • Muscle activities
  • Eye movements
  • Brain’s electrical activities

Once the test is completed, healthcare providers will count the number of times your breathing is impaired to identify the severity of your sleep apnea.