October 2017

How to Clean a Snoring Mouth Guard

Snoring Mouth Guard

Snoring Mouth Guard

If you are a person who snores regularly or loudly, you will have to seek the help of a healthcare provider sooner or later to treat the condition. Most healthcare providers in the country will initially ask you to make a few lifestyle changes, cut down the consumption of alcohol, and to remove dairy products from your diet. However, if you are still experiencing snoring issues after following these advises, then you will need to use an anti snoring device to combat the issue.

One of the most comfortable and effective snoring devices that will help you to reduce or stop snoring is an anti snoring mouthpiece. It is true that these devices will curb the snoring problem and allow you to enjoy a good night sleep, but if you fail to take good care of them, then they will not last as long as you want. Therefore, you will need to properly clean and maintain the snoring mouthpiece on a regular basis.

Below are a few anti snoring mouth guard cleaning tips that will help you to extend the life of your snore aid.

Do Not Use Boiling Water

Anti snoring mouthpieces are usually manufactured with different types of thermoplastic materials. As a result, exposure to high temperature might deform their shape and make them unsuitable to use. It is significant to note that an ill-shaped snoring mouthpiece can be very uncomfortable to use and they may even end up damaging your gums.

Do Not Use Toothpaste

You should be aware of the fact that toothpaste is caustic and they can easily damage the structure of your anti snoring mouthpiece. This will leave space for the entry of harmful microorganisms, which in turn, leads to stains, discoloration, unpleasant odors, and other hygiene issues. So, it is best to not use toothpaste for cleaning your snoring aid.

Clean Using Vinegar

If you feel that there are microorganisms in your anti snoring device, then you should immediately soak the device in vinegar. Vinegar’s strong ingredients will remove plaque and germs from the device and make it sanitized and safe for use. However, you could also soak the snoring aid in hydrogen peroxide if you don’t like the smell of vinegar.

In addition to that, you should also consider about investing in an ultrasonic cleaner, as it will make your device a lot more clean and durable.

How a Sleep Apnea Mouth Guard Differs From a Snoring Mouthpiece

Sleep Apnea Mouth Guard

Sleep Apnea Mouth Guard

The basic function of both a sleep apnea mouth guard and mouthpiece for snoring is to advance the mandible forward during sleep and make the airway bigger for a free flow of air. Virtually, most of such Mandibular Advancement Devices will be custom fitted to the jaws of an individual.

While the mouthpiece for sleep apnea often gets fitted by a dentist, the clinically certified mouth guards for snoring can be worn by self before bedtime. Since snoring can be a symptom of sleep apnea, the right device shall be worn correctly to treat the issue. However, only a professional can tell if snoring is actually a sign of sleep apnea in your condition, so you should proactively buy the right remedy.

Both the mouth guards for snoring and sleep apnea are usually made of thermoplastic materials often referred to as the “boil and bite” dentures. The function of advancing the lower jaw forward will be achieved with gradual usage so that snoring can be cured.

A Mandibular Advancement Device used to countermeasure snoring and sleep apnea is fitted using a number of techniques. One of the popular techniques is to heat the device in hot water for a specified duration, cool off in cold water, and then gently bite into the device to get the fit.

In most cases, the mandible is advanced to the extent where the lower front teeth surpass the upper teeth by a wee bit. As a result, the muscles around the throat area will tighten up clearing the blockages in the airway and avoid snoring at night.

Differences between a Sleep Apnea Mouth Guard and a Snoring Mouthpiece

While both the Mandibular Advancement Devices have similar attributes regarding usage and function, there are subtle differences to note. First of all, the key difference is that the mouthpieces advertised specifically for sleep apnea will countermeasure the mild state of the sleep disorder and loud snoring. Even teeth grinding symptom of apnea can be cured using the oral remedy.

Secondly, the sleep apnea mouth guard is a medical device that needs a proper diagnosis and dentist confirmation. On the other hand, a stop snoring mouthpiece can be bought over-the-counter without a prescription to treat occasional snoring or even snoring due to other causes.

Another difference with condition-specific mouthpieces is that the Mandibular Advancement Device for snoring will last for anywhere between 6 to 24 months based on use, the brand, and the construction. However, the sleep apnea mouth guard made from acrylic resins will last for several years.

How Snoring Affects your Oral Health

Stop Snoring

Snoring And Oral Health

Snoring has several adverse effects on the affected person, from leading to serious disorders to hampering personal life and relationships. It is even proven to cause disruptions in sleep, lead to high blood pressure, aggravate cardiac problems, etc. These conditions, if left untreated, can worsen over time leading to a severe deterioration of the health.

If you are a snorer, you might have felt how much toll it is taking on your overall health. A usually ignored effect of snoring is oral health. It is found that if you snore regularly, it can severely affect your oral health and can cause the major constituents of the oral cavity like teeth and gums to get weakened. These oral diseases can also affect the rest of your body if left untreated. Therefore, it is important to take note whether your snoring habit is also causing a decrease in your oral health.

Effects of Snoring on Oral Health

The causes for snoring can vary from person to person, as many practices like jaw positioning, lifestyle, alcohol consumption, etc., can contribute to it.  Yet regardless of what caused it, regular snoring will lead to a decline of your oral health.

One of the major effects of snoring in oral health is that it causes dry mouth or xerostomia. Dry mouth occurs in many and is a condition that results in reduced saliva flow inside the mouth. Saliva plays a major role to keep the oral cavity moistened and thereby prevent the buildup of bacteria. The occurrence of dry mouth can give rise to numerous other oral health problems.

One such issue is halitosis or bad breath that can make it difficult for you to keep up interaction with others. This can also complicate and cause tooth decay and gum diseases in many. If you snore too often and loudly, dry mouth can result in increased bacterial buildup inside your mouth and can cause numerous infections and sores to develop. It can also lead to the burning mouth syndrome.

Maintaining oral health is best possible if you undertake proper treatment methods to stop snoring. These anti snoring remedies will eliminate the root causes of snoring, thereby providing you with good oral health. A snoring mouth guard is one of the most effective treatment options out there that can help relieve your snoring and oral health problem permanently.

Using an anti snoring mouth guard will help you to completely relieve snoring when used for a certain period. However, using a mouthpiece also requires you to follow some guidelines such as the need for maintaining strict oral hygiene and daily cleaning of the mouth guard. This will prompt you to develop the habit of maintaining your oral health by using approved methods as well as make sure that your snoring issues are effectively dealt with.

Common Misconceptions about Using Snoring Mouth Guards

Snoring Mouth Guard

Snoring Guards Misconceptions

Using a snoring mouth guard for a specific period will certainly relieve snoring among affected individuals. These devices easily fit in the mouth of any individual and are highly effective in fully curing snoring when compared to surgery or other treatment methods.

Anti snoring mouth guards function by properly aligning the jaws to prevent any obstructions in the airways thereby facilitating easy breathing. However, many people often reject the use of a snoring mouth guard due to several misconceptions related to their usage and oral health. These are false as there is nothing more effective than using an anti snoring mouth guard and they are completely free of any side effects.

Below are some of the common misconceptions that most individuals have about snoring mouth guards.

Discoloration of Teeth

A common misconception among many individuals is that using an anti snoring mouth guard will cause discoloration to their teeth. This is false as anti snoring devices do not interfere with the teeth to cause any sort of discoloration.

Discoloration of the teeth is mostly caused due to several lifestyle activities like smoking, drinking coffee and wine. However, maintaining proper oral hygiene is vital when using a snoring mouth guard. This includes brushing and flossing the teeth before sleep, as it will eliminate the bacterial buildup in the mouth.

Tooth Misalignment

Most individuals refrain from using snoring devices like a mouth guard fearing that it may cause the tooth to misalign. While using a snoring mouth guard, the bite is altered in the morning but it does in no way cause any movement of the teeth.

People who have any sort of dental problem might have tooth misalignment when using a mouth guard. However, for those with healthy teeth and gums, the use of a snoring mouth guard will in no way cause any movement to the tooth.

Stiffness in the Muscles

Using a snoring mouth guard for the first time can cause pain in the jaws for a few days. However, this is only temporary as the pain is caused when the jaw is held in a position it is not used to. The pain will secede in a few days after using the mouth guard and it will become much easier and comfortable to use it again.

A mouth guard, when used during the night, can also cause the jaws to align in its proper position that might not be normal to some people. However, it is applicable to affect only a few individuals who use mouth guards.

How Dehydration Causes Snoring and How to overcome it

Snoring Remedies

Dehydration Causes Snoring

Most of the chronic and loud snorers among us try different snoring solutions and snoring aids to give themselves a good night’s sleep. Yet, some of them are not able to relieve themselves from the snoring issue. As a result, they approach healthcare providers to look for surgical solutions that will help them to reduce or stop snoring.

However, before you go in search of surgical solutions, you need to buy an anti snoring mouthpiece, as it might help you to cure yourself from snoring. This comfortable mouthpiece is available at a cheap cost and they are also medically proven to be effective in treating the condition. In addition to that, you should also drink plenty of water because it might help you to reduce snoring to a certain extent.

The earlier signs of dehydration are dry mouth and throat and the person may even feel thirsty. However, chronically dehydrated people might also suffer from weight problems, headaches, and depression. Dehydration can result in the thickening of mucus in throat and mouth when you are asleep. Consequently, the surface inside these areas will block together and block the air passage, thereby causing snoring.

If you are waking up in the morning with an irritated and uncomfortable throat or mouth, then dehydration might be the sole culprit behind your snoring issues. Fortunately, you will be easily able to stop or reduce snoring due to dehydration by drinking more water on a daily basis. Some healthcare providers advise male patients to drink 16 cups of water every day, while women should consume at least 11 cups of water per day.

In addition to that, you should also consider adding a pinch of salt to the water because it will keep you a lot more hydrated and balanced. However, try not to use too much salt, as it might make you dehydrated. You should also try to avoid substances that make you dehydrate such as nicotine, alcohol, and even caffeine.

It is also wise to remove red meat and dairy products from your diet because they can also make you dehydrated. Nevertheless, if you are still unable to control your snoring issues even after drinking lots of water, then you should instantly get in touch with an experienced healthcare provider. They will easily identify the root cause of your snoring and suggest an effective treatment plan to overcome the issue.

Are Decongestants an Effective Way to Relieve Snoring?

Snore Guard

Decongestants And Snoring

Several factors contribute to snoring in an individual and nasal congestion is one among them. It occurs mostly during a common cold and can obstruct the airways in the nose making it difficult to breathe. Since snoring is caused mainly by the obstructions to the airways, nasal congestion can also result in inflammations in the throat, thereby contributing to snoring.

Most doctors recommend a decongestant to relieve blocked noses and the snoring issues associated with it. They act quickly to clear any blockages in the nasal and throat cavity and hence are ideal for a fast relief from snoring. However, a permanent remedy for snoring is only possible by using proper anti snoring devices.

How Decongestants Work?

Nasal decongestants are mainly used to relieve the congestion in the nasal canal caused due to a common cold, respiratory infections, or allergies. Congestion occurs when the blood vessels lining the nasal passages become inflamed and obstructs the free flow of air. Decongestants work by relieving the blood vessels and narrowing them, that will minimize the blood supply in the mucous membranes.

Snoring caused by nasal congestion will also reduce quickly when a decongestant is used. Commonly, two types of decongestants are used to treat the condition, and this varies in the method of administering. Oral decongestants can soothe the blood vessels in the nose as well as other parts of the throat, whereas nasal decongestants are used to quickly reduce swelling in the nasal cavity.

Decongestants and Snoring

Nasal and oral decongestants are sometimes recommended by a doctor to relieve snoring. It is prescribed especially if the snoring is caused due to congestion in the nasal or throat cavities. During a common cold or other respiratory infection, the blood vessels lining the nose and throat will swell up and obstruct the airflow. Because of this obstruction, there is greater chance that the breathing will cause the tissues to vibrate thereby resulting in snoring.

By using a decongestant, these inflamed blood vessels are soothed and narrowed quickly that will facilitate free airway and enable the individual to breathe freely. Oral decongestants are most commonly used to cure snoring as they can spread to the nose and throat effectively when compared to nasal decongestants. Upon administering, an oral decongestant will act within thirty minutes and can ease the congestion for about six hours.

Is it an Effective Method to Treat Snoring?

Due to its quick action, most people tend to use decongestants to relieve snoring associated with nasal congestion. However, it is a temporary measure in treating snoring as its effects last for only a few hours, after which the snoring and congestion can return in an individual.

Besides, decongestants also cause a range of side effects over persistent usage such as high blood pressure, headaches, insomnia, etc. As said, a permanent solution to cure snoring is possible only by using the right anti snoring devices such as a mouth guard. These devices treat the root cause of snoring and can permanently cure snoring when used for an extended period.

Easiest of Ways to Clear Snoring at Night

Stop Snoring

Clear Snoring At Night

One of the many causes of snoring in people is a receding jaw and excess fat around the neck. The receding jaw will make the tongue to fall backward and that may block the airway in the throat. This will induce snoring at night.

You can wear an anti snore guard going forward to stop snoring if you have a receding jaw. The mouthpiece will advance the lower jaw forward and will clear the airway in the throat thereby stopping nighttime snoring. The mouthpiece can be easily worn before bedtime in the mandible and hence it is also known as the Mandibular Advancement Device for snoring.

However, since the excess fat around the neck is another underlying cause of snoring, many snorers tend to do the exercise to tighten the neck muscles. Snoring as a condition will pervade the sleep but it can be easily remedied by using the convenient remedy and by exercising. Try the below exercises to clear the fat around the neck and sleep better without having to gasp for breath during sleep.

In fact, doing a cheek movement exercise will help in tightening the neck muscles and thereby improve the muscle tone around the neck. For that, hook your left thumb and index finger into the left cheek and gently pull the side of the cheek. In addition, try to resist the pull using the neck muscles and the cheek muscles while you are doing the exercise. Pause the movement of the left cheek for about 5 seconds and then release the cheek. Repeat the easy exercise for snoring several times, preferably 10 times, and in each cheek, to improve breathing at night.

A neck exercise for snoring can be done by sitting on a chair with the back straight. Ensure not to tense any part of the body once you take a seat comfortably and bring down the chin to the neck gently, leaving the eyes looking at a point just in front. Moreover, keep the lips closed and hold the posture for about 10 seconds and then count to 5 seconds more just as you raise the chin up from the neck. Repeat the exercise each time you may choose to do it – ideally thrice during a given day.

Does Sinusitis Cause you to Snore?

Snoring Mouth Guard

Sinusitis And Snore

There exist numerous causes for snoring as clarified by recent studies conducted in the field. If you are a regular snorer, having any issues especially related to breathing, it is better to crosscheck if it is indeed the cause. Most of you may have experienced obstructions in breathing especially during cold or in case of a sinus infection. It can hinder you from having a perfect sleep during the night because of snoring and inadequate air intake.

If you suffer from repeated breathing difficulties, it is necessary to inquire the role of sinus infection in your snoring and sleep problems. Recently, many studies have pointed out that any problems with the sinus such as an infection can result in breathing difficulties and hence cause snoring. If you have sinusitis, sinus infection, etc., your nasal passages may be blocked and this can prevent you from having easy breathing during sleep.

Chronic Sinusitis

Chronic sinusitis refers to the inflammation of the sinus cavities. It is considered chronic if you experience any of the symptoms related to sinusitis for about six weeks or longer. This will cause excessive mucus buildup, which can clog up the area around your throat and nasal cavities, making it more difficult to breathe normally.

Because of this, you will mostly resort to mouth breathing during sleep, thereby increasing the chances of snoring. Some of the common symptoms of chronic sinusitis include facial pain, excessive mucous formation, headaches, snoring, and bad breath.

How Sinusitis Causes Snoring

If you are experiencing sinusitis, it can cause inflammations along your nasal cavity. The excessive mucus buildup can cause your nasal cavity to become more congested. These obstructions will interfere with your smooth and easy breathing cycle and prompt you to resort to mouth breathing and other harmful practices. This obstruction in the airways will cause you to snore.

Besides, several other nasal problems can also cause congestion in the airways that lead to sinusitis and snoring. One of them is nasal turbinates, which are actually bony and soft tissues protruding from walls of the nasal passages. At times, these tissues can become swollen that leads to chronic sinusitis and snoring. The deviated septum is another cause for sinusitis, as it may be improperly positioned because of any injury.

Treatment Options

An effective treatment for sinusitis will eliminate the chances of snoring. Some of the treatments include using antibiotics, as they will fight off the infections. Decongestants are also prescribed to clear the blocked airways to facilitate easier breathing, and thus, stop snoring. Using various snoring aids such as a snoring mouth guard is another effective way to eliminate snoring that occurs due to sinusitis.

How to Stop Snoring Due to Bedtime Allergies or Allergic Rhinitis

Snoring Devices

Snoring And Bedtime Allergies

Allergic rhinitis occurs due to an inflammation of the nasal mucous membrane also known as rhinitis. The swollen rhinitis will induce an airway blockage in the nose, and in turn lead to snoring issues at night. The condition is associated with many of us who tend to snore and is an allergic reaction to an inhaled substance. Generally, snoring occurs as a result of air trying to push through a blocked airway in the nose or throat.

Allergic rhinitis can be of two types. Seasonal allergic rhinitis occurs due to grass pollens in summer or spring when the pollens tend to be large in numbers, whereas perennial allergic rhinitis is an allergy that may last a year due to allergy to feathers, house dust, mold spores, or animal fur. If you humidify the rooms with a humidifier, it will clear fur or other allergies that may trigger the allergic rhinitis. There are stop snoring pillows having hypoallergenic qualities as well, and using them will give you a comfortable sleep free of any allergic reaction.

Allergic rhinitis will often include a nasal congestion, irritation in the nose, and inflammation of moist tissues of the nasal mucosa. People who have allergic rhinitis may also stay allergic to tobacco smoke – the kind of which affects both the smoker and those nearby. Humidifying can help to keep the allergies at bay, as breathing higher humidity air is one way to get comfort and clear allergic symptoms.

If you suspect snoring is due to allergic rhinitis, you should also use any one of the anti snoring devices as recommended by ENT specialists. The anti snoring devices for the nose will open the nostrils and will help in improving nighttime breathing. Moreover, try the prevention methods for allergic rhinitis to clear the condition for the betterment of sleep and health.

In fact, allergic rhinitis may also induce snoring and sleep deprivation. Several studies done on a group of rhinitis patients found a correlation between daytime sleepiness and the quality of life with an increase of allergic rhinitis. The studies suggest that the condition may also affect the biological clock and sleep quality of patients like loud, persistent snoring at night.

How to Recoup from Snoring with Acclimatization

Snoring Aids

Recoup Snoring With Acclimatization

While some may snore occasionally due to cold or nasal allergies, others tend to experience persistent snoring due to a receding jaw or other underlying issues. Regardless, snoring may take a toll on the quality of sleep, not only that of the affected person, but also that of the bedfellow who plays a key role in noticing the sleep patterns and suggesting the need for a remedy.

If a cold or allergy induces a stuffy nose and nasal blockages, you can clear them with ease by using the nasal humidifiers or by humidifying the bedroom. This will help you to get rid of the snoring issues easily. Alternatively, you can try an effective snoring mouth guard that would help you to breathe better gradually over time and cure snoring issues.

There are people who tend to snore at night due to the position of sleep. If you sleep in the supine position, the chances are you may stay slack-jawed on the bed, with the mouth wide open, and gasping for breath. The upwards sleep position can be changed to side sleeping and that can help the jaw to advance forward, clearing blockages in the throat, and thereby, alleviating snoring problem.

If you are stuck in the supine position until snoring pervades the sleep, the altered posture may affect the bodily comfort in the morning. Some tend to feel a back pain or a sore neck if they change the sleep position all of a sudden on the bed. Obviously, the changing of sleep position may take some getting used to from your part and maybe your bedfellow too.

The causes of snoring may vary from people to people. The many types of snoring aids available in the market will remedy the condition as per the cause. Yet consulting with a doctor is recommended before trying any of the over-the-counter snoring remedies, as not all solutions work equally for all snorers.

Snoring is a condition that many people experience and the condition can be diagnosed by the bedfellow if not the cause. How quickly you may recoup from snoring will depend on how often or how loudly you snore. Even the anti snoring aids like the mandibular advancement devices start to countermeasure snoring with regular usage and acclimatization. Get in touch with a sleep specialist to learn more on dealing with snoring and related health issues.