January 2018

Why and How to Wear a Chin Strap to Alleviate Sleep Apnea

Apnea Chin Strap

Alleviate Sleep Apnea 

A sleep apnea chin strap worn before bedtime tackles mouth breathing by keeping the relaxing jaws in a firm position. It’s important to clear breathing through the mouth in order to alleviate the loud snoring symptom of apnea, alongside dry mouth or a sore throat when one wakes up in the morning. Those symptoms occur since apnea patients have a tendency to sleep slack-jawed with an open mouth. A chin strap can clear this. Besides, breathing through the nose is a healthier practice than mouth breathing.

However, if you have nasal congestion or suffer from a deviated septum, you need an alternative procedure to clear mouth breathing apart from chin straps. Consult with a sleep specialist before purchasing the cure for mild to moderate apnea.

When it comes to usage, chin straps will be adjustable enough so that your jaws stay in position, but not too stretchable that the mouth opens. There is a concern in apnea patients that chin straps made of elastic material may not be fully beneficial to apnea treatment, but that isn’t true if you know how to wear it. Make it a point to strap the chin strap snugly when wearing before sleep. Most such devices are sturdy enough to keep the jaws in position, so you need not bother about waking up with an open mouth.

  • Loosen the strips of the chin strap first up
  • Place the thumb around a half-inch away from the strip, rip it, then take off the thumb and place the strip there.
  • If you are male, you need not bother about strands of hair getting tangled up with the straps. For girls, this may be a concern. If so, it’s better to wrap a piece of cotton around the top portion of the chin strap and wear it.

The apnea chin strap is meant to hold the jaws in a firm resting position, and not necessarily to clamp the jaws to make the mouth closed fully. If the one you own is not a one-size-fits-all chin strap, try alternate positions in order see which one works best to clear mouth breathing. Some apnea patients use elastic bandages to alleviate apnea and its associated symptoms, but the benefit of the chin strap is that you need not retrofit it every night.

What Mothers Need to Know about Breastfeeding and OSA

Mouthpiece For Sleep Apnea

Breastfeeding And OSA

It is a clinically proven fact that improving the structure of the upper airway will give a free flow of air and improve breathing with less snoring. That is why many people wear a mouthpiece for sleep apnea before bedtime to advance the lower jaw forward and clear the partial blockage in the back of the throat.

In fact, even breastfeeding contributes to the tongue’s swallowing movement, right teeth alignment, and shapes the hard palate’s shape. However, feeding children through bottle or if they suck the thumb at a young age may lead to a ‘tongue thrust’ and improper positioning of the teeth when jaws stay closed. Malocclusion, alongside a high amount of palate in the mouth, adversely affects the airflow and hence may lead to a sleep disorder known as Obstructive Sleep Apnea in children, which may cause them to gasp for breath at night.

Breastfeeding will potentially avoid this root cause. Some surveys suggest that a majority of the children aged between 12 to 17 encounter some sort of ‘occlusal disharmony’ or incorrect teeth positioning, and that a lesser percent of youth face malocclusion that mandates treatment. However, other studies show a direction connection between the duration of breastfeeding among young kids and occlusion.

It is seen that the longer children are breastfed, the better will their teeth positioning. Contrary to that is the practice of bottle-feeding alongside said bad habits of kids that may cause malocclusion. A tall mouth palate might affect occlusion in children and influence their breathing process in the near future. It may also narrow down the upper teeth arch and lead to a cross-bite, a form of malocclusion or misalignment of teeth’s arches.

As the mouth’s roof also happens to be the floor of the nasal cavity, an increase in the palate’s height reduces the nasal cavity’s size. This reduction of the nasal cavity may lead to resistance of airway via the nose. High palate may cause narrowing of the skull opening at the nose’s back known as choanae.

A narrow opening result in a much smaller opening into soft tissues of the nasal airway, and the narrow is the opening of the airway, the adverse would be the risk of airway collapsing and snoring. In order to avoid such instances, it is best to practice breastfeeding children at a young age so that OSA and snoring can be avoided with caution.

How Sleep Apnea is Linked to Hearing Loss

Stop Snoring

Sleep Apnea And Hearing Loss

Sleep apnea has a perceivable effect on the hearing health of an individual. Since the ear remains connected to the nose and throat by the Eustachian tube, there are more reasons to think the impact of prolonged sleep apnea on the ear. Several studies conducted over the years have validated that there exists a solid link between sleep apnea and hearing loss. Some of the results produced from these studies are quite alarming, as it states that there is an increased possibility of hearing loss among individuals that experience the symptoms of sleep apnea.

There is also the risk of a high frequency hearing among individuals prone to sleep apnea. If left untreated it can lead to a permanent hearing loss in an individual. Therefore, it is better to diagnose the ear health by a trained Ear Nose Throat (ENT) specialist if an individual experience any symptoms of sleep apnea.

Sleep Apnea and Hearing Loss

Sleep apnea affects the functioning of the ear in a passive manner. Its most powerful impact is on the circulatory system of an individual that can cause it extensive damage. While a person is experiencing sleep apnea, it can result in the blood vessels to become disturbed due to the pauses in breathing and other irregularities. This can affect the normal blood flow to the inner ear that will prevent it from functioning properly.

There is also the presence of loud snoring along with sleep apnea that can continue for a long time during sleep. The ears being active during sleep can become disturbed due to the loud snoring sound. This can actually damage the sensitive hair cells located in the inner ear that helps in hearing. Besides, the change in air pressure that happens during sleep apnea and snoring can also cause damage to the eardrums.


Treating hearing issues associated with sleep apnea first requires a two-step approach. The first is addressing the sleep apnea problem and relieving it so that it causes no interference with the functioning of the ear. This is important since sleep apnea can persist even after treating the ear, thus repeating the issues.

Using anti snoring devices is the best option to alleviate sleep apnea in affected individuals. They position the airways in such a way that it facilitates easy breathing during sleep, which prevents snoring or sleep apnea in the first place. Snoring devices are an effective and affordable option to permanently cure sleep apnea. t

The second step is to consult a hearing specialist, while undergoing the treatment for sleep apnea, and determine the health of the ear to follow the necessary medications.

Kids with Snoring May Develop ADHD

Snoring Mouth Guard

Snoring And ADHD

It is true that most of the kids snore and there is nothing wrong with it, as the snoring issues get automatically solved with the passage of time. However, it is significant to note that some children snore occasionally and they are unable to get a good night’s sleep because of this serious sleep disorder. If your kid is having such an issue, then you should immediately take him/her to a health care provider and implement the necessary precautionary steps to help stop snoring.

You should take note of the fact that ignoring the snoring related issues of your kid is not a wise move because it will make him/her fall prey to serious health disorders in the future. So, you should consult with the health care provider and consider about investing in a snoring mouth guard. This medically proven snoring aid is comfortable to wear and will help your kid to reduce or stop snoring with ease.

Recent studies conducted by experts in the field of medical science revealed that childhood Obstructive Sleep Apnea, childhood snoring, and pediatric nasal congestion would have major impacts on the overall well-being and health of kids. Some experts even claim that nighttime airway obstruction such as snoring might also result in childhood Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

The daytime symptoms of snoring and pediatric sleep apnea in kids include social or behavioral problems, mood swings, depression, anxiety problems, trouble concentrating on tasks, and poor academic performance. You should also note that children who are suffering from ADHD would have trouble falling asleep and they are at a greater risk of falling prey to snoring and other sleep disorders.

As per an allergy and asthma expert, Dr. Brian Rotskoff, “The connections between sleep and behavior are strong. But it can be a chicken-or-the-egg scenario. It’s difficult to know whether sleep problems cause ADHD or ADHD causes sleep problems. Or, if the problems associated with poor sleep habits are just very similar to those of ADHD.”

Dr. Rotskoff further says that, “Sleep problems in kids aren’t necessarily cause for alarm. But there is significant evidence that if we improve children’s sleep quality, their daytime behaviors and abilities will also improve. For some kids, that could mean warding off an ADHD diagnosis or finding new ways to improve learning and social behaviors.”

There have been many studies on snoring and sleep apnea recently, which point out that the said sleep disorders lead to worse health issues. That is why it is better to consult with a specialist as soon as the symptoms are noticed and take the necessary remedial steps.


The Link between Sleep Apnea and Frequent Nighttime Urination

Snoring Remedies

Sleep Apnea And Nighttime Urination

If you experience frequent nighttime urination (Nocturia), then it is a clear sign that there is something wrong with your urinary system. However, blaming it on the bladder or other vital constituents of the urinary system alone is not the right way. You should be able to identify the cause of triggering such frequent night trips to the bathroom.

Many new studies are pointing out that there is a definite link between nighttime urination and sleep apnea. The studies have concluded that about a majority of the patients with sleep apnea report frequent urination at night.

Nocturia is commonly attributed to sleep loss and can interfere with the normal cycles of sleep. This can cause various health issues to develop in the individual over time. The studies have found out that the rate of urination is higher for patients with sleep apnea. This means that they experience frequent interruptions during sleep that can hinder their sleep quality and leave them fatigued in the following days. Nocturia can voluntary awake a person to empty the bladder.

Researchers earlier thought the problem to be caused due to a full bladder. They did not see any role of sleep issues in regards to the problem and were convinced it was caused due to other factors. However, the number of patients diagnosed with frequent nighttime urination had sleep apnea and this led the study into a new direction. It was also not treated at the right time since the cause remains undiscovered.

Actually, the way sleep apnea cause Nocturia is based entirely on several physiological effects. If you suffer from sleep apnea, the tissues and muscles of your throat can become relaxed causing obstructions in the airway. This leads to a decrease in the oxygen reaching the lungs and to other parts most importantly the brain. This can result in a drop in heart rate, constriction of blood vessels, acidic content in the blood, etc.

The heart can interpret these changes as excess fluid in the system. It then signals a hormone signaling the kidneys to release the urine collected in the bladder, thus causing you the urge to urinate. However, the problem of frequent nighttime urination, if caused due to sleep apnea, can resolved by the use of various kinds of snoring devices such as a CPAP machine. It can act as an effective snoring remedy to prevent any kind of obstruction in the airways, thus reducing the chances of sleep disruptions, and limiting the incidences of nighttime urination.

How GERD is Linked to Snoring

Stop Snoring

GERD Causes Snoring

One reason why you snore is that you may be suffering from acid reflux or Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD). It can lead to pains or a burning sensation in the chest along with snoring, which can confuse you into something serious like heart diseases. New research has shed light on this connection between GERD and several nighttime symptoms such as snoring, coughing, chest pain and burning sensation, etc. The results from these studies have stated that an estimate of 44 percent of the sample group with GERD suffered from snoring and the rest had other nighttime ailments.

What is GERD?

GERD or Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease is a condition that affects the digestive system. If you suffer from it, you may have experienced the burning sensation in the throat and esophagus. This arises mainly due to indigestion of foods that can cause the acid and gastric juices to back up into the stomach and esophagus.

This is the leading cause of acid reflux and can occur within half an hour after eating. If you lie down a short while after eating, the positioning of the body causes the stomach acid along with the undigested food particles to enter the esophagus and throat thus causing a burning sensation in these areas.

How GERD Causes Snoring?

GERD is a major cause of snoring as per the results of the studies. This is particularly the case if you have the habit of lying down just after eating. The stomach acid and undigested food are more prone to enter into the esophagus and throat when the body is positioned in such a way.

The backup of acid can result in the airways to become blocked, which will impair your breathing. This can lead to the tissues in the throat and oral cavities to vibrate thus causing the snoring sound. Besides, the acid can damage the delicate tissue linings of the throat and esophagus that will prolong the issue if adequate treatments are not considered.

Treatment Options

Changing the diet is one of the most effective ways to reduce GERD and thus prevent snoring that occurs from it. Consuming foods rich in spices and calories can result in indigestion that will cause acid reflux. Refraining from going to bed just after eating can help prevent acid reflux and stop snoring.

The use of anti snoring mouth guards can also help in reducing snoring due to such conditions. They can position the mouth in such a way to facilitate free airflow through the throat and nasal cavities. These devices, when used in conjunction with proper dietary habits, can greatly prevent GERD and the snoring issues that occur due to it.

3 Grades of Snoring, Their Side Effects and Symptoms

Snoring Mouth Guard

Grades Of Snoring

Snoring occurs when the throat muscles relax during sleep, collapsing the airway in the back of the throat against the roof of the mouth. This triggers a partial blockage in the airway and lead to the vibration of the soft tissues. The three grades of snoring refer to the level of snoring sound when in sleep.

Grade one snoring, also known as simple snoring, refers to snoring that is infrequent and not all that loud to cause a distraction to the bedfellow. In this level of snoring, the breathing of the individual stays unaffected, meaning breathing will not pause after he or she snores, as oxygen levels stay adequate. In grade one snoring, people won’t encounter serious health issues related to the Sleep Apnea symptoms.

Grade two snoring refers to snoring that tends to occur around three days a week. Henceforth, the bedmate will be able to notice how loud you snore. It is in this level that snoring causes breathing cessations in sleep. For instance, the person may wake up gasping for breath at night or even do so feeling a choking sensation. Grade two snoring may necessitate the snorer to go see a doctor for suggestive treatment options such as oral appliance therapy. You may feel sleepy and daytime fatigue or even go through negative moods during the day. They are all certain side effects of sleep deprivation and probable lack of oxygen when snoring occurs frequently.

Grade three snoring is when the health condition turns severe. This is the level of snoring, where the snorer may encounter Obstructive Sleep Apnea symptoms at night. OSA is characterized by loud snoring and breathing cessations that tend to last for a few seconds, minutes, or even recur for an hour during sleep. Henceforth, apnea causes daytime fatigue that is more than previous level alongside mild depression, anxiety, lapses in concentration, memory loss and even other potential health problems.

An amazing fact about Obstructive Sleep Apnea is that the sleep disorder causes breathing difficulties unknowingly to the snorer, alongside the said symptoms that they often get used to gradually over time. If you feel you or your loved one encounters snoring, it will be wise to bring that to the attention of a sleep specialist who may a recommend you a stop snoring mouth guard to clear the airway obstruction and allow free flow of air.

Common Sleeping Disorders in Teenagers

Snoring Solutions

Common Sleeping Disorders

Teens are the hope for a better future and, hence, they must be nurtured well. There are many things though, that can affect your teenager kid, as this is their growing age, and hormones play an important role during this time. It will be better if you keep a tab on their health all the time, especially their sleeping disorders.

If your teen is getting tired often or taking a nap every 3 to 4 hours, and finds it hard to concentrate, they might be suffering from sleeping disorders. Below are the habits and patterns of teenagers that you must keep an eye on to help your kid overcome his/her sleeping problem.

Patterns and Habits

The patterns that you must change in your kid are as follows.

Less Sleep – Your kid sleeps only for 4-5 hours in bed.

Distractions – Your kid is glued to the mobile screen once he/she is in the bed, listening to music, watching movies, playing games, or reading books, etc. They do all these things except sleeping.

Below are the habits that cause sleeping problems.

Academic Pressure – One of the main things that affect your teen’s sleeping pattern is the academic pressure. The extra pressure or stress caused due to this can reduce your kid’s sleeping time and lead to inadequate sleeping patterns.

Coffee – Most of the teens will be addicted to coffee, as it is a stimulant that keeps their mind awake and helps them to study and concentrate for a longer period. However, this characteristic of coffee can also cause insomnia in your kid.

Types of Sleeping Disorders in Teens

Remember that the lack of sleep can cause tiredness in your kid and can affect their performance. The common types of sleeping disorders that can affect teenagers are as follows.

Sleep Apnea – The lack of sleep in the teens can lead to a sleeping disorder called sleep apnea or OSA (Obstructive Sleep Apnea). In this disorder, the breathing of the affected person is frequently disturbed because of the obstruction in their airways during sleeping. Here, the teens pant for breathe after an interval, and this condition can occur around 30 times in an hour.

Insomnia – if the teens are deprived of sleep throughout the day, they are suffering from insomnia. A teenager needs an average sleep time of 8–10 hours a day; any change in this can cause fatigue and results in low concentration and performance.


The sleeping disorders in your teens such as sleep apnea can be treated using ant snoring mouth guards and by making effective changes in their lifestyle. Besides, they should also avoid using beverages that contain caffeine like coffee, tea, soft drinks, and diet pills during the night.

5 Juices to Try Out for Relieving Snoring

Snore Guard

Tips To Relieve Snoring

Juices are an excellent alternative for relieving snoring due to their immense therapeutic benefits. Regular consumption of juices can reduce snoring since it will keep the airways clear of any excess mucus. The nutritional value of fruit juices can help in restoring lung health and rejuvenate the tissues and glands located in the airways that can reduce snoring and other breathing problems. However, relying on juices may only reduce snoring and a permanent relief from snoring requires the use of a snore guard along with that. Below are five juices to try for relief from snoring.

Horseradish Juice

Drinking horseradish juice is a highly effective way to reduce snoring. Regular consumption can help in clearing the upper respiratory tract by activating thermogenesis. It can thin down the mucus buildup in the throat and thus remove them from the airways. Horseradish juice is also a viable remedy for treating asthma and allergy. It is recommended to take one glass of horseradish juice mixed with honey or lemon juice daily for reducing snoring.

Onion Juice

Onion juice can act as a decongestant and clear any blocks in the nasal and throat passages. Onion juice can also reduce the mucus buildup in the airways that prevents them from getting constricted thus reducing snoring. It is also known for its anti-inflammatory properties that can prevent the airways from swelling. Daily consuming a half glass of onion juice mixed with lemon juice or honey before going to bed can relieve snoring.

Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is a common drink consumed by most individuals and has a range of benefits for the respiratory system. As a rich source of Vitamin C, drinking lemon juice daily can boost the immune system and keeps infections at bay. It can also clear any respiratory infections much faster, thus eliminating mucus production. Daily consuming one glass of fresh lemon juice before sleep is an effective way to relieve snoring.

Ginger Juice

Ginger juice is yet another effective option for reducing persistent snoring among individuals. It has both anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that can cure any sort of infections in the respiratory tract. This will prevent the excess production of mucus, thus clearing the nasal and throat passages for alleviating snoring. Drink a half glass of ginger juice combined with lemon or honey can help in reducing snoring.

Vegetables, Lemon, and Ginger Juice

Juice prepared from a combination of lemon, ginger, carrots, and Apple is known for its effectiveness in curing snoring. This juice contains many vital nutrients and can help detoxify the lungs and throat. Regular drinking of this mixed juice can help in keeping the airways clear, thus preventing the onset of snoring.

Different Types of Snorers and the Available Treatment Options

Stop Snoring

Types Of Snoring

Snoring is a condition that is caused due to obstructed air movement during breathing. According to a recent survey, nearly 90 million Americans suffer from snoring. Shockingly, snoring can be the sign of serious issues such as heart disorders, BP, respiratory disorders, sleep apnea, etc., although many affected individuals take it very lightly.

To address the snoring problem properly, you must be aware of the types of snoring. Below are the different types of snoring and the methods to alleviate it.

Nasal Snoring

Nasal snoring is caused because of the blocked air passage through the nose. This blockage happens mainly because of allergies, cold, and flu. All of these will make the inhaled air to pass through the throat forcibly that creates a vibration of the soft tissues on its way, resulting in the harsh snoring sound.

A deviated septum too can cause nasal snoring. A septum is a thin bridge that separates the left and right nasal cavities. In deviated septum, the bridge will be inclined to one side resulting in restricted airflow through that nasal cavity. This can be the result of either a congenital defect or injuries. Besides, deviated symptom hardly shows any symptoms and hence most of the people are unaware of this.

Tongue Snoring

Tongue snoring is caused when our tongue restricts the airflow to the lungs. This is caused when the tongue falls back into the throat while sleeping as the tissues and muscles of the mouth usually relax then. The condition worsens when you consume alcohol or use any relaxant drugs before bedtime, as they make the mouth palates to relax more. Besides, sleeping on the back may also lead to tongue snoring.

Mouth Snoring

Mouth snoring is caused due to obstructive airflow while breathing through the mouth. When you breathe through your mouth, the air hits back at the throat head creating vibrations in the soft palates that causes the snoring sound. This occurs mainly when you sleep on your back or when you keep your mouth open while sleeping.


The primary treatment for all kinds of snoring is to stay away from all kind of dust and other allergens including pet fur and pollens. You can also use a mandibular advancement device that brings your lower jaw front and keeps the airway wider for a free flow of air during sleep.

Note that it is essential to diagnose the root cause of the snoring issue to find an effective remedy for the problem. Consulting with a specialist is always a better move when compared to taking any countermeasures on your own. Although making some changes in your lifestyle can help, medically proven methods to alleviate snoring include the use of anti snoring mouth guards, chinstraps, CPAP machine, anti snoring pillows, etc. However, it is still recommended to consult a doctor before using any anti snoring aids.