3 Reasons Why Snoring Should Be Treated Early

Stop Snoring

Snoring Treatment Tips

People snore when the muscles of the throat relax during sleep, causing the airway constricted and forcing the air breathed to vibrate the soft palate in the throat. The first stage of snoring, which is classified as “simple”, does not necessarily lead to sleep apnea. However, mild snoring issue still poses the risk factors for the sleep disorder to happen.

Snoring can be classified as benign, but it is not gentle and kind. The health condition is not literally benign, and below are 3 reasons as to why it should be treated early with the right anti snoring remedies. Stop snoring mouthpiece is one such remedy used to treat mild-to-moderate apnea.

Snoring May Lead to Sleep Apnea

It is seen that if one snores during sleep, he or she has 35 percent likelihood of falling victim to Obstructive Sleep Apnea in the future. This is also a form of sleep-disordered breathing, the one that may last for a few seconds to up to an hour, making snorers wake up gasping for breath. If you have apnea, you have the same risk factors applicable to an obese person. In other words, if you do not treat it in time, you might have to undergo stroke, heart attack, or heart diseases during adulthood.

Snoring Affects Relationships

Snoring often gets portrayed in print or digital media with sarcasm or pun, but when it comes to real-life, people need to treat snoring with caution. This is not just to alleviate the uneasiness in breathing and the health risks associated with it, but also to make relationships last. After all, no one would want snoring to cause an annoyance to his or her bedmate. If a person who breathes through the mouth snores, he or she may even have bad breath. So, your daily interactions may even get hampered due to snoring, not to mention feeling sleep deprived and tired at daytime.

Snoring May Even Cause Hearing Loss

It is one thing to turn tone-deaf, and entirely different to lose the ability to hear even the tiniest of musical notes. Loud snoring ranges up to 60 to 80 decibels threshold, and it can lead to apnea, alongside the swelling of the throat tissues, cardiovascular concerns, etc. An American Thoracic Society International Conference’s study says that all these sleep disorder breathing symptoms may cause hearing impairment in the patient.

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