September 2017

How Sleep Apnea Affects Different Body Systems

Sleep apnea has a considerable impact on the overall health of an individual. It has its effects on the whole body that can lead to many complications if left untreated. During sleep apnea, there is a disturbance to the normal rate of breathing, which causes the tissues and tongue to relax and sag thereby obstructing the airways. This will lead to occasional pauses during breathing that affects the sleep cycles due to repeated waking up. All these can affect the sleep quality that will result in the numerous negative mental and physical changes throughout the body.

This causes various health conditions such as obesity, high blood pressure, heart diseases, etc. Recurring sleep apnea, if left untreated, causes extensive damage to the body parts especially the vital systems of the body. There are various snoring remedies to cure this problem of sleep apnea and thereby restore the health of the vital systems. Anti snoring device is the most effective and can permanently relieve sleep apnea through extended usage. Below is how sleep apnea affects different body systems.

Respiratory System

Since snoring is more related to the breathing process, sleep apnea has the most adverse effect on the respiratory system. This system comprises of the lungs, windpipes, diaphragm, etc. During sleep apnea, the tissues and tongue collapse blocking the airways that can result in decreased air reaching the lungs. This will lead to oxygen deprivation that can cause an increase in the blood pressure in the lungs. Besides, it can also increase the chances of developing pneumonia and further aggravate existing breathing problems.

Cardiovascular System

The cardiovascular systems are highly affected by constant sleep apnea. It is related to high blood pressure and obesity that increases the strain on the heart and the circulatory system. Persons with recurring sleep apnea suffer from abnormalities in the heart rate as well as other complicated conditions like atrial fibrillation. This could increase the possibility of heart failure or stroke among affected individuals.

Nervous System and Brain

The nervous system is directly affected by sleep apnea. This can further result in changes in the brain. Central sleep apnea that occurs because of the disruption in the brain signals the senses that coordinate breathing. This can cause numbness and a tingling sensation. Besides, it also has its effects on the way the brain functions. Studies say that sleep apnea can result in memory impairment, lack of concentration, mood swings, and a decrease in productivity among affected individuals.

Endocrine System

Sleep apnea is also known to cause resistance to insulin that causes the cells to become unresponsive against insulin. This can cause an increase in the blood sugar levels that can become complicated for patients suffering from type 2 diabetes. Apart from that, sleep apnea can also cause several metabolic syndromes.

How the Changes in Sleeping Positions May Stop Snoring in Adults

Sometimes, the sleeping position may cause the tongue to recede, as the facial muscles tend to relax when we doze off to sleep. Usually, when the mouth palates relax, the tongue falls back and causes the blocking of the airway, which leads to snoring.

If you sleep in the supine position, then that may cause the mouth palates to relax. On the other hand, the prone position may straighten the natural curve of the spine and thus cause back pain, neck pain, and decreased blood circulation to the heart. When it comes to snoring, changing the sleeping position may not be easy, but it will help to cure the condition.

Many people sleep on the back mainly to reduce neck pain, spine pain, and acid reflux. Back sleeping may help the sleeper to protect the face from the wrinkles and may even reduce snoring, but for that, one needs to raise the head by six inches or so with an anti snoring pillow.

Side sleeping often improves the blood circulation, reduces back pain, and improves the sleep patterns in adults. Side sleeping is termed by experts as an ideal way to stop snoring even if obstructive sleep apnea causes snoring. Side sleeping may also help to reduce loud snoring if other sleeping positions cause the issues.

Note that the facial muscles may recede quickly among aged people when they doze off to sleep. Moreover, besides the sleep position, snoring in adults can be caused due to excessive fat around the neck, mucus in the back of the throat, excess alcohol intake, and many other factors. This is why consulting with a doctor in case of severe snoring problem is always better.

Changing the sleep position may help you to stop snoring especially when the snoring is caused due to the sleeping position. Additionally, wearing an anti snoring mouth guard will ensure that the snoring condition is effectively treated. As snoring mouth guards keep the mandible forward and clear the blockages in the mouth when one sleeps, its regular use will cure snoring as well as recurring episodes of obstructive sleep apnea in adults.

Is Snoring and Erectile Dysfunction Inter-Related

Erectile dysfunction (ED) (also known as impotence) can be simply defined as the condition in which men fail to keep or get an erection, which is firm enough to have an intercourse. Recent studies conducted by experts revealed a shocking conclusion that one in every four men who are under the age of 40 is currently seeking treatment to overcome this condition.

Erectile dysfunction can bring a lot of embarrassment and distress to the affected people. Fortunately, this issue can be cured with the right kind of treatment. The treatment methods may vary from one individual to other and health care providers usually decide it based on the cause of erectile dysfunction.

Another study indicated that men who heavily snore due to OSA (Obstructive Sleep Apnea) might gradually develop erectile dysfunction. This is because the amount of testosterone released by heavy snorers during the night was significantly less when compared to men with no snoring issues. The minimal release of testosterone prevents the sufferer from maintaining or achieving an erection.

In addition to that, lack of quality sleep may also result in severe snoring issues and even OSA. If a man is always tired, then it will have a negative impact on his bodily functions. This in turn increases the chance of occurrence of health issues in the individual including erectile dysfunction.

If you have a feeling that your erectile dysfunction condition is due to snoring related issues, then you will be easily able to overcome the solution with the help of snoring solutions. Investing in an anti snoring mouthpiece will help you to cut down the rate of your sleeping and it will also allow you to enjoy a good night’s sleep. Several experts in the field of medical science claim that the use of anti snoring devices can significantly reduce or even eliminate the incidents of erectile dysfunction in men.

In addition to that, you should consider these few self-help treatments to reduce or stop snoring.

  • Develop a new healthy diet plan and try to lose extra weight
  • Restrain yourself from alcohol or at least avoid it before you go to bed
  • Stop smoking
  • Exercise regularly
  • Sleep on your side
  • Use essential oil to clear the nasal passages
  • Develop a bedtime routine

Get in touch with a sleep specialist to diagnose the cause of snoring and adopt the recommended treatment plan.

The Relation between Sleep Apnea and Cardiovascular Diseases

Many of the physiological changes in the body can result in the development of certain sleep disorders such as snoring and sleep apnea. These can negatively affect the sleep cycles that causes numerous problems associated with the physical and mental side of your body. A healthy sleep is of high importance in order to replenish the energy levels and for maintaining normal mental functioning. Serious sleep disorders such as sleep apnea can severely affect sleep thereby causing many problems to the vital organs in the body.

The cardiovascular system is the most affected region in the body due to sleep apnea, as the sleep disorder can obstruct the breathing process in the form of long pauses. This causes insufficient oxygen reaching the vital cardiovascular systems, which can result in severe damage to the heart and blood vessels. The enormous amount of strain put on the body during sleep apnea can disrupt the state of rest in the body.

Heart disease is now common among many individuals. It is caused due to a range of factors such as unhealthy eating habits, lifestyle, and the genetic factors. Moreover, any damages or obstructions in the major blood vessels to the heart can cause the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases. However, most people underestimate the fact that sleep apnea and heart diseases are closely related. By understanding this, one can take the necessary precautions to prevent further complicating of the sleep disorder and avoid the chances of cardiovascular diseases.

Sleep Apnea and Heart Disease

Sleep apnea and heart disease are closely related because the sleep disorder and snoring can result in the overstraining of the cardiac and respiratory systems. This will cause severe damage to these systems that can be life threatening if proper treatments are not given. Studies even indicate that the shortness of breath that occurs in sleep apnea can result in a quick cardiac arrest in an individual.

There are numerous symptoms of heart diseases induced by sleep apnea. Some of them are,

  • Rhythm variations of the heart
  • Loud snoring
  • Chest pain
  • Headaches in the morning
  • Excessive thirst
  • Attention-deficit hyperactive disorder

These and many other symptoms are indicative of a sleep apnea-induced heart disease. Therefore, you must consult with a doctor when experiencing any of these symptoms. Doing so will enable a proper treatment option for you depending on the severity of the disorder.

Treatment Methods

One of the most effective treatments that most medical professionals recommend is the usage of anti snoring devices. These devices can help to prevent both snoring and sleep apnea by aligning the jaws and throat in their proper position. Besides that, doctors may also recommend some major lifestyle modifications such as quitting smoking, avoiding caffeine intake, and setting up strict sleep timetable to fight sleep apnea and related issues.

How Menopause is Related to Snoring in Women

Snoring causes sleep deprivation in both men and women. When one gets to a deeper sleep stage, the throat muscles relax and that causes blockages in the nasal airway, leading to breathing cessations. Often with aging, women may encounter loud snoring in their day-to-day lives when they arrive at their menopause age. Women who snore during their teenage days may also do so when they reach their menopausal years.

Researches on the topic indicate that menopause causes substantial drops in the hormone levels, which can possibly cause loud snoring in women. Snoring may occur due to the drop in estrogen as well as progesterone hormones during and post the menopause stage.

Menopause also causes several changes in the body including restless leg syndrome, hot flashes, fat neck muscles, stiff neck joints, weight gain, and frequent urination. In some cases, menopause also leads to bedtime allergies that worsen nasal airway blockages and in turn snoring. Allergies cause nasal drip, sneezing, and blockages in the nasal airway passage, which makes breathing tough at night.

Obesity is another factor that leads to snoring in women, the reason being the excess fat buildup around their neck. In fact, shorter women and women who were overweight throughout their teens tend to snore more during their post-menopause lives.

Cures to Stop Snoring

Begin with losing weight and work on some simple snoring remedies such as changing the sleep positions. Raise your head by 6 inches or sleep on your sides to stop snoring due to menopause or any other factor. The sleep position changes will avoid the blockages in the throat and tongue during sleep, and ease the snoring condition. In addition, women can do mouth and tongue exercises as well to clear the airway and alleviate snoring troubles.

It is said that for 2 male snorers, there tends to be 1 female snorer in general. However, the gap narrows especially when women enter their menopausal years. Menopause is a condition that needs immediate attention and so is snoring in women. Consult with a specialist and they may suggest you ideal snoring aids depending on your condition.

Remember, the causes of snoring are several and menopause is only one cause for snoring in women. Moreover, not all women who age may have to experience snoring issues with menopause, and the actual reason behind their snoring can be something else.

Easy Ways to Stop Snoring

Many of us might be snorers or suffering from the snoring problem of our partners. If you are frustrated at your partner for keeping you awake all night with his or her loud snoring, you can recommend the easy remedies discussed below to control the snoring issues.

Peppermint Oil and Goldenseal

If the cause of the snoring is a chest or nasal congestion, peppermint oil can be used to relieve the congestion. Using peppermint oil can clear congestion in nasal passages that can help to control snoring caused due to nasal or chest congestion.

Goldenseal is another natural supplement that is helpful in relieving congestion in nasal passages and chest. You may even drink herbal tea made with goldenseal or peppermint to get relief from snoring.

Fenugreek and Spearmint

Digestion plays a vital role in sleeping and may lead to snoring. Spearmint and fenugreek are herbs that can help you cure snoring caused due to digestive issues, particularly indigestion caused by acid problem in the digestive system. Including these herbs in your diet can help you get rid of the acids to decrease the chance of snoring.

Fenugreek is believed to fight sleep apnea and improve digestive problems leading to snoring, whereas spearmint can help to relieve acid reflux symptoms and indigestion, which adds to the problem of snoring.

Oral Appliances

Your dentist can help you get an anti snoring appliance that can help to change the opening on your airway and offer enough room to your tongue to avoid obstruction while sleeping. As per the reports from the American Dental Association, stop snoring devices that are worn only during sleep can be an effective treatment that can help eliminate the problem of snoring.

Oral appliances like orthodontic retainers or snoring mouth guards offer a comfortable fit, and move the jaw forward to keep the airway open during sleep. They are also FDA approved and free of any side effects.

Vitamin C

Enlarged sinuses can obstruct the air passage, making you to breathe through your mouth. This will make the fleshy extension that hangs at the back of the palate (uvula) to vibrate, making the annoying snoring noise. Studies show that vitamin C can help to prevent this, as the vitamin can promote a healthy immune system.

Having a healthy immune system can in turn help to prevent sinus enlargements and thereby assisting to stop snoring. Including fruits like pineapple and papaya in your diet can help you fight snoring efficiently, as these fruits contain sinus-fighting bromelain and Vitamin C.

Is Genetics Related to Snoring?

We inherit a lot from our ancestors and parents such as hair color, body type, facial color, and more. Several studies conducted by experts in the medical science have revealed that even the personality and behavior of some people are often influenced by their genes. However, it is crucial to note that our genes are only an influence and they are not our destiny. For instance, an individual with a family history of heart issues is not guaranteed to have a heart problem, although the chances of having such an issue are greater in them.

Snoring and Genetics

Snoring might also have a few genetic connections. Some of us come from families with a history of snoring and sleep apnea issues. A recent study indicated that there is a strong connection between family history, blood type, and habitual snoring, while another study proved that snoring and daytime sleepiness issues arise not just due to obesity but it might also pass on from the parent to the child.

In addition to that, the chances for snoring are higher in kids who come from a family with a history of obesity or narrower air passages. In fact, it is said that if you are from a family or snorers, your chances of being a snorer will increase approximately to 300 percent.

How to Control Snoring Caused by Genetic Issues

It is hard to limit the genetic connection to snoring but it is not impossible. If you are willing to make a few changes to your lifestyle, you will be easily able to reduce snoring to a certain extent.

If your parents are obese, then the major reason behind their snoring issues will be their obesity. In such a case, you need to keep an eye on excessive weight gain to counter snoring issues. You can overcome the issue by switching to a healthy diet and by exercising regularly.

If you are already experiencing snoring problems, you should also invest in an anti snoring mouthpiece. These anti snoring devices are highly efficient, affordable, and easy to use. In addition to that, they are also a medically approved remedy that helps to reduce or stop snoring after regular use.

Key Things to Consider While Purchasing a Snoring Mouth Guard

Most doctors will recommend using a snoring mouthpiece if you suffer from snoring and sleep apnea. These devices are highly sought over by many as an effective solution to cure snoring. However, you may find it difficult to choose the right one for your needs considering the variety of snoring devices available in the market today. Due to this, many even buy the wrong type of device, some of which are very expensive, but fail to treat the snoring condition.

As the underlying causes of snoring differ, not all snoring mouth guards work equally for everyone. Therefore, it is highly important to choose the appropriate snoring mouthpiece whether it is a sleep apnea mouthpiece or other kinds of snoring aids.

An effective method to completely cure snoring is possible only by choosing the right snoring device. Described below are some crucial things to consider when buying a snoring mouth guard.


Anti-snoring mouthpieces are designed in a way to be comfortable to use for everyone. This however differs from device to device, and you should consider the comfort levels of using the product before deciding to purchase it.

Purchasing a wrongly fitting mouthpiece that falls short on comfort is a waste of money and may not provide the benefits that you expect when using the device. Moreover, if the mouthpiece is hard, it can cause irritation and even tears in the delicate tooth gums. This can make using mouthpieces an uncomfortable experience, so carry out a detailed research on the mouthpiece before you intend to purchase one.

Safety Features

The safety is one key priority when you are choosing a snoring mouthpiece. This is highlighted because some of the cheap anti snoring devices currently available in the market are made from materials hazardous to health.

The lack of strict regulations is one reason such snoring devices make their way into the market. So when purchasing a snoring mouthpiece, carefully inspect its label and packaging and verify that it manufactured from BPA free materials. The safety of the mouthpiece is paramount since you will need to use the device for extended periods.

Money Back Guarantee

Another crucial thing to consider is whether the anti snoring mouthpiece that you intend to purchase comes with a money back guarantee. This enables you to try using the device for a while to find whether it fits well or is comfortable. If it does not you can get your money refunded.

Genuine mouthpieces made by certified manufacturers will offer a money back guarantee on their products. However, note that it is common that when using a snoring mouth guard for the first time, you may find it a bit uncomfortable. It requires a few days for you to get adjusted to using the device.

3 Yogic Exercises That Help to Relieve Snoring

There are many alternate ways to relive snoring, and yoga is one of the most effective snoring remedies among them. In fact, this ancient Indian system of physical and mental practices has a whole range of benefits for the entire body.

Yoga can clearly relieve snoring among affected individuals. There are yogic exercises that include a set of breathing exercises and other postures that can relax the muscles and tissues in the throat, thereby addressing the root causes behind snoring. Besides, the breathing techniques or pranayama help in clearing the air pathways that provides much relief to snoring. Below are 3 yogic exercises that help to relieve snoring.

Simha Garjana Pose

The Simha Garjana yoga pose also known as the Roaring Pose is a highly effective yogic exercise that can control snoring. This pose is carried out sitting cross-legged on the floor with the hips resting comfortably on the feet. The palms are positioned on the floor with the fingers pointing inwards, while the wrists are placed in the outwards position.

The breath is coordinated with the leaning of the body forward during inhalation. The tongue is extended out during the slow exhale. This yoga pose is known to clear and relax the airways and is therefore highly beneficial for relieving snoring.

Ujjayi Pranayama

Ujjayi Pranayama is a yoga exercise known for its many health benefits. This pose is performed while sitting down in the Lotus Pose or Padma Asana. After comfortably seated, a deep and forceful inhalation is performed that contracts the throat and neck muscles. One of the nostrils is closed using the fingers during exhalation, and the air is breathed out through the open nostril. Then the same process is repeated with the other nostril.

Ujjayi Pranayama is a well-known yogic exercise that provides relief from snoring. Regularly performing this yoga can significantly increase the lung capacity and clear any of the blockages in the throat, thereby preventing the onset of snoring.


Kapalbhati is a highly effective breathing exercise in yoga proven to cure numerous issues with the respiratory system. It is a technique of forcefully carrying out the exhalation of the breath, which causes the abdominal muscle and diaphragm to move inwards. The inhalation is done slowly and in a relaxed state taking sufficient time to fill the lungs with air.

Kapalbhati provides exercise to the lung and abdominal muscle while also relaxing the throat thereby reducing snoring. However, experts say that a complete cure from snoring is only possible by using various snoring aids along with the yoga exercises. It is recommended to use a combination of yogic exercises and snoring aids as it can permanently cure snoring issues.

The Advantages of Using Anti Snoring Devices over Surgery

Snoring is a problematic condition that only gets worse it left untreated. In fact, it not only affects the individual but also other around. Besides, snoring can be an underlying cause of many other serious health problems and so it is necessary to treat the condition properly.

Most people go for surgical methods to cure snoring. However, there are many types of anti snoring devices available out there, which help in relieving snoring completely just like surgery but without the stress and pain involved. These anti snoring devices fit in the mouth or position around the jaws and head to prevent the blockage of airways and facilitate easy breathing during sleep. Snoring devices work differently in relieving snoring though, and selecting the right one requires considering each of their functions, features, and effects.

Many snoring affected individuals have come to prefer snoring devices to surgery. In fact, they say that surgical methods are not always successful to treat snoring and further require wearing an anti snoring device after the procedure. Below are a few factors that further assert why using anti snoring devices is better than going for a surgery.

Absence of Infections or Side Effects

Using the surgical option to cure snoring involves the risk of developing any kind of infections or scaring. The surgical devices can sometimes cause tears in the internal parts of the oral and throat cavity that could result in infections. Besides, the drugs administered during surgery many also result in any adverse reactions or side effects.

Using snoring devices, on the other hand, is a non-invasive treatment option that work by positioning the jaws and mouth. Which is why anti snoring devices are free from any risk of infections or side effects.


Snoring devices are available in different types that will suit the needs of any individual suffering from snoring. One can always try the different snoring devices available in the market to determine whether it fits in perfectly and is comfortable to use.

Contrastingly, surgery involves a pre-set method to cure snoring and this may not always be successful. Moreover, it presents little options to the affected individual to select a suitable method to relieve snoring.


Anti snoring devices are commonly available over-the-counter and therefore are much inexpensive when compared to surgery. Surgical treatment of snoring involves the use of expensive procedures such as radiofrequency ablation that can cost you a huge sum.

Besides, the period after the surgery will also require further checkups that will also lead to increase in expenses. Anti snoring devices such as sleep apnea mouth guard and chin straps are inexpensive and more easy to use.