Snoring happens due to the narrowing of the air passages in the throat, which forces a person to breathe through their mouth resulting in an undesirable sound while sleeping. The narrowing of the air passage may be due to improper tongue positions, oral issues, obesity, improper diet, and more. Yet the good news is that you will be easily able to fix diet-caused snoring issues simply by changing your diet and eating the right foods.
If you are a loud or regular snorer, you must also consider investing in an anti snoring mouth guard along with changing your diet. A convenient anti snoring mouth guard will help you to stop snoring and allow you to enjoy a peaceful sleep. Below are a few food items that are proven to reduce or stop snoring.
Soy Milk
Soy milk, which is derived from soybean, is a perfect alternative to cow’s milk. If you are a person who drinks milk before going to bed, switch to soy milk instead of settling for cow milk. This is mainly due to the fact that cow milk may cause throat swelling and make your air passages narrow, which in turn increases the chance of snoring.
It is a widely known and accepted fact that tea holds plenty of benefits, but many are not aware that tea helps to reduce the snoring tendency of people. The relaxing effect of tea softens the muscles in your throat, thereby preventing the chances of narrowing of the airways. So, it is wiser to drink a cup of tea before you sleep because it will ensure that there is no block in the air passages.
What makes honey an ideal choice for snorers is undoubtedly its anti-inflammatory properties. This property of honey prevents the chances of swelling in the throat and thereby reduces snoring. In addition to that, honey is anti-microbial, which means that it is good for your immune system. Opera singers usually take honey before a performance in order to open their airways and to create a distinct and strong sound.
In addition to these three food items, you should also try to include plenty of fish and onion into your diet. In addition, avoid red meat because it causes muscle inflammation along the nasal passages and increases the rate of snoring.
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