Snoring is a sleeping disorder caused due to vibration of the respiratory structures as a result of obstructed air movement during breathing. This can also be the sign or symptom of some serious health issues and can be fatal if you left it undiagnosed or untreated.
Snoring not only just creates loud and unpleasant noises, it can also cause many health problems ranging from heart diseases, stroke, and reduced sexual function, to even early death. Following are some of the serious health risks related to snoring.
Mental Health Issues
Snoring or sleep apnea results in sleep deprivation. This lack of sleep can cause crankiness, dizziness, and anxiety disorder in most of the affected people. In fact, according to a recent survey, people with snoring problem encounter major depression and anxiety symptoms. Moreover, there are more chances for mood swings in snorers because of their poor sleep patterns.
Complications in Pregnancy
Snoring can be fatal for pregnant women, especially in their last trimester. It is a major sign of their weight gain during the pregnancy period. More than that, it also indicates the chances of fetal complications. It is necessary that the mother should get proper rest for the adequate nourishment and well-being of the fetus as well as herself, but that would be impossible with snoring.
Heart Problems
Snoring can also result in various health diseases, and it is seen especially affecting the cardiovascular system. It can aggravate coronary artery diseases and high blood pressure, which can eventually lead to heart attack. In fact, studies suggest that the chances of having heart attacks are twice in people with sleep apnea. However, clinical researches show that heart-related risks can be reduced if you treat your sleep apnea with an anti snoring mouth guard.
Excessive Weight Gain
Sleep apnea and snoring is a major cause of weight gain and it goes the other way around too. Although it is not necessary to be overweight in general for you to be a snorer, snoring induced lack of sleep will surely lead to excessive weight gain. It is the excess fat around the neck and throat, which obstructs the airway when breathing during sleep and causes snoring. So to address the root cause of the condition, you need to keep your body weight in check.
Nocturia is the condition of getting up to urinate multiple times during the sleep. This is mostly caused due to the loss of control over the bladder and is common for both men and women. This is also related to snoring because the chances for you to consume water are more if you wake up many times during your sleep, which in turn results in Nocturia.
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