Easy Remedies to Stop Snoring

Studies show that around 45 percent of the adults in the US snore at least occasionally and can become the brunt of joke at times. However, a snoring spouse can keep the other person from getting a good night’s sleep, which can leads to issues in the relation. “Snoring can create real problems in a marriage,”” says Daniel P. Slaughter, MD, who is a snoring expert and an otolaryngologist at Capital Otolaryngology in Austin, Texas.

Snoring is not a mere nuisance; in fact, experts say that 75 percent of snorers suffer from obstructive sleep apnea (disruption of breathing during sleep for short intervals, due to snoring), that may lead to heart diseases. Before using the various over-the-counter snoring remedies available in the market, you need to consult with a specialist to diagnose the root of the issue and find the best cure. Alternatively, you can also try out the following easy and natural snoring solutions, which might help to curb mild snoring issues.

Change Sleeping Position

Studies show that the sleep position of a person can affect snoring. When you sleep on your back, your tongue and soft palate might collapse to the wall of your throat and can vibrate with the flow of air. This vibration sound is what we hear as the snoring noise. Sleeping on your side can help you stop this.

According to Dr. Slaughter, “A body pillow (a full-length pillow that supports your entire body) provides an easy fix. It enables you to maintain sleeping on your side and can make a dramatic difference.”

Avoid Alcohol

Experts say that sedatives and alcohol can decrease the resting tone of muscles in the back of the throat, which can make your snoring worse. So it is good to avoid alcohol consumption at least four to five hours before sleeping, if you cannot refrain from it fully. Studies show that people who do not normally snore also start to snore when they take alcohol or other sedative drugs just before bedtime.

Lose Weight

If obesity is the cause of your snoring, then losing a few pounds might help you curb the problem of snoring. If you gained weight recently and started to snore after that, losing weight might help you. “If you gain weight around your neck, it squeezes the internal diameter of the throat, making it more likely to collapse during sleep, triggering snoring,” Dr. Slaughter says.

Open Nasal Passages

Keeping the nasal passage open during sleep can help if a clogged nasal canal is the cause of your snoring. “Imagine a narrow garden hose with water running through. The narrower the hose, the faster the water rushes through,” says Dr. Slaughter. When your nasal passages are clogged, it will restrict the normal flow of air making the air to flow faster, which can lead to snoring.

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